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South Perth plant laboratories on target

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Friday, 7. June 2013 - 11:45

South Perth-based AGWEST Plant Laboratories have met proficiency standards for the identification of fungal, bacterial and viral plant pathogens.

AGWEST Plant Laboratories senior diagnostician Dominie Wright said all State Plant Diagnostic Laboratories had participated in proficiency testing run by  ANQAP (Australian National Quality Assurance Program) which provides a service which enables its members to check they are conducting tests and identification of pathogens correctly.

“AGWEST Plant Laboratories was able to select if it wanted to participate and which type of pathogens it wanted to be tested against,” Ms Wright said.

“The Laboratories chose to participate in the fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens.”

Results showed that the Laboratories’ plant diagnostic staff were able to correctly identify the unknown samples of fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens that were sent to them.

This information is useful in monitoring the capabilities of the laboratories and staff and allows a continuous improvement program to be put in place, where required.


Media contact: Jodie Thomson, media liaison        +61 (0)8 9368 3937