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AgMemo South West Agricultural Region

The South West Agricultural Region AgMemo is produced for growers and industry in the districts of Waroona, Bunbury and Manjimup.

South West AgMemo 2017 issue 3

Bigger department benefits agriculture
Department helps agricultural businesses to navigate 2017 season
Bravo to strong industry collaboration
Best practice lamb marking
Soil testing to support better fertiliser decisions
Lifetime Ewe Management course
Take your PIC...

AgMemo South West Agricultural Region May 2017

In this issue:
Response to exotic plant pest continues
Protecting Western Australia livestock markets - know the threat, call a vet
South West community takes lead on managing pests
Look out for European wasps in the South West
Be on the lookout for livestock diseases...

AgMemo South West Agricultural Region March 2017

In this issue:
Biosecurity alert: new emergency plant pest detected in Western Australia
Give your autumn drench now
Producers reminded to check sheep for flystrike after recent rains
Food for thought at global food trend seminars
International competitiveness a focus of...

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