
PestFacts WA

Spring control of redlegged earth mites

Redlegged earth mites on capeweed
Redlegged earth mites on capeweed. Photo courtesy of: DPIRD.

Spring has sprung. Growers and consultants are reminded to monitor for redlegged earth mites (RLEM) in pastures and to find out their specific Timerite® spring spray date, if spraying is necessary.

The timing of the sprays is based on a short window of the season when RLEM have stopped laying winter eggs (eggs that must hatch this season) and before female RLEM start producing diapause eggs (over-summering eggs able to survive until next autumn).

Controlling mites at this time means that the whole population can be reduced, leaving few mites to carry-over to the following autumn.

Growers can obtain the spray date specific to their locality free of charge from the Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) Limited website. Growers can type the latitude and longitude of their property into the AWI Timerite® page to obtain their spray date and other useful information. Alternatively, contact the AWI Helpline on 1800 070 099.

Please note that the Timerite® date does not work against blue oat mite nor lucerne flea.

Studies by CSIRO have shown that spraying up to two weeks earlier or on the optimum spray date provides effective control of RLEM, however if spraying is delayed by two weeks after the optimum date, the carry-over RLEM population into next autumn is much higher.

Farmers intending to spray paddocks should make the most of suitable weather conditions to spray early or on time, rather than later than the predicted Timerite® date.

Growers are advised to spray only if they need to, and to rotate chemical groups to stop resistance developing in RLEM. Repeated use of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides or organophosphate insecticides (such as omethoate and chlorpyrifos) provides strong selection pressure for RLEM to develop resistance.

For more information on applying integrated pest management strategies to manage RLEM, refer to GRDC’s resistance management strategy for the redlegged earth mite in Australian grains and pastures factsheet.

If RLEM are found surviving after registered rates of insecticide treatments have been applied, please arrange for resistance testing to be conducted. Contact DPIRD entomologist Svetlana Micic in Albany on +61 (0)8 9892 8591 or 0427 772 051. This free-of-charge service is made possible with investment by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), and is led by The University of Melbourne in collaboration with DPIRD and Cesar Australia.

Grazing reduces mite carryover in pastures

The level of grazing and quantity of pasture feed on offer (FOO) is directly related to the numbers of RLEM. DPIRD grazing trials have shown intensive grazing in spring will suppress RLEM for the following season. However, it should only be used when the population of mites is above 5000 per square metre and FOO is more than 3 t dry matter per hectare (DM/ha). To reduce RLEM, the pasture needs to be grazed to a FOO of 2 t DM/ha or less for four weeks around the TIMERITE® period to achieve a significant reduction in mites the following season. For more information, refer to DPIRD’s controlling redlegged earth mites using intensive spring grazing.

Insecticide management

Spraying of pastures in spring will have little or no benefit where pasture FOO levels are kept low (that is, less than 2 t DM/ha) by grazing. Insecticides applied to control RLEM in spring pastures or legume break crops with FOO levels greater than 3 t DM/ha will reduce their numbers. It will also provide benefits by allowing increased spring growth, seed set and a reduced potential for RLEM carry over into next autumn.

However, increased production benefits can be wasted unless the increased feed is utilised by strategic grazing management or fodder conservation. It is recommended that farmers should not spray all pasture paddocks. Instead they should select paddocks for spring spraying based on FOO levels, future grazing feed management, level of required seed production and intended paddock use next autumn.


For more information on RLEM, refer to the department’s diagnosing redlegged earth mite page.

For more information contact Research Scientist Svetlana Micic in Albany on +61 (0)8 9892 8591 or Technical Officer Alan Lord in South Perth on +61 (0)8 9368 3758.



Article authors: Cindy Webster (DPIRD Narrogin), Dusty Severtson (DPIRD Northam) and Alan Lord (DPIRD South Perth).
