NVT disease screening services

Page last updated: Wednesday, 27 March 2024 - 2:57pm

This project aims to provide continued access for growers and breeders to independent, accurate, consistent, and timely source of comparative, disease resistance data on commercially available cultivars and NVT lines to assist in variety decision making. The ultimate outcome will be increased competitiveness and profitability of agri-industry for export-wheat, barley, oat, lupin and chickpea production state-wide through enhanced delivery of varieties genetically superior for disease resistance.

Start date: 1/03/2024
Finish date: 31/03/2029

NVT disease screening services project team
NVT disease screening services project team


This project will generate independent, robust and reliable resistance and/or tolerance ratings of crop diseases of significance for commercial and pre-commercial lines, along with other national service providers. Services will be conducted in line with the NVT Protocols and the NVT Disease Rating Standard Operating Procedures, and trials managed in accordance with the agreed Implementation Plan to produce and collect the raw data required to generate comparative disease resistance/tolerance results on commercial and pre-commercial cultivars. Disease ratings will be generated on approximately 350 cultivars across 67 diseases of importance included in the NVT Disease Rating program.

Our team of researchers will assess NVT nominations and/or released varieties of wheat, barley, oat, lupin and chickpea and screen in Western Australia (WA) for the following diseases:

  • Wheat foliar: Leaf rust, stem rust, stripe rust, yellow spot, nodorum blotch, septoria tritici blotch and powdery mildew
  • Barley foliar: Powdery mildew, leaf rust, net form net blotch, spot form net blotch, scald and barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV).
  • Oat: BYDV, leaf/crown rust, Septoria blotch and stem rust
  • Lupin: Anthracnose, cucumber mosaic virus, bean yellow mosaic virus, Phomopsis and Sclerotinia stem rot.
  • Chickpea: Ascochyta blight.
  • Nematode: Root lesion nematode Pratylenchus quasitereoides on wheat and barley.

The wheat and oat components of the project will be led and managed by Dr Manisha Shankar (Principal Plant Pathologist, DPIRD), the barley component by Dr Sanjiv Gupta (Associate Professor, Murdoch University), the lupin and chickpea components by Geoff Thomas (Principal Plant Pathologist, DPIRD) and the nematode component by Carla Wilkinson (Nematologist, DPIRD).

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