
Determining the size of the crop on citrus trees is an important tool which allows growers to make appropriate management decisions for the upcoming season. It is also useful for negotiating with buyers for marketing your supply of fruit.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development works with the land-use planning system to ensure that land and water resources are available for agriculture and food businesses to expand and grow.

Whitegrubs are a minor pest of potato and cabbage crops in Indonesia but can be very damaging in Western Australia.

Whitefly is a relatively minor pest of potato and cabbage crops in both Indonesia and Western Australia.

Two-spotted mite is a minor pest of potatoes in both Indonesia and Western Australia.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has worked with the Indonesian potato industry to increase the productivity of Indonesian crops planted with WA seed potatoes.

Thrips are a relatively minor pest of potato crops in both Indonesia and Western Australia.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has worked with the Indonesian potato industry to increase the productivity of Indonesian crops planted with WA seed potatoes.

Cluster caterpillar is a minor pest of potatoes in Indonesia and Western Australia but growers should understand it.

Potato tuber moth is an important pest of potato crops in both Indonesia and Western Australia.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has worked with the Indonesian potato industry to increase the productivity of crops planted with WA seed potatoes.

Mole cricket is a relatively minor pest of potato crops in Indonesia but not in Western Australia.

Green peach aphid is a virus vector for potato crops in Indonesia and Western Australia, but a minor direct pest.

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