
Many primary producers in Western Australia rely on chemicals to protect their agricultural enterprises from pests, weeds and diseases. Chemicals provide many benefits to primary production but must be used responsibly to minimise the adverse effects associated with their use.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development in conjunction with other state departments and federal authorities regulates the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals to minimise risks to human health, the environment, animal welfare and trade.

Details about agricultural and veterinary chemical products registered for use in Western Australia can be sourced through the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority.


  • Control methods for Madagascar rubber vine (Cryptostegia madagascariensis) a declared pest in Western Australia.

  • Control methods for purple flower devil's claw (Proboscidea louisianica) a declared pest in Western Australia.

  • Control methods for hoary cress (Lepidium draba) - a declared pest in Western Australia.

  • Control methods for Sagittaria (Sagittaria platyphylla) a declared pest in Western Australia.

  • Control methods for Mimosa (Mimosa pigra) a declared pest in Western Australia. Report the presence of this organism before undertaking a control measure.

  • Following the extended dry conditions this autumn, weeds are now emerging and becoming a challenge for growers to manage in paddocks that may have patchy crops, crops with staggered emergence or no

  • Integrated weed management (IWM) is a system for managing weeds over the long term, and is particularly useful for managing and minimising herbicide resistance.

  • Testing for herbicide susceptibility allows you to determine what herbicide options are still available to control weeds on your farm.

  • Control methods for sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) a declared pest in Western Australia.

  • Calibration is the process of calculating the volume of a carrier (such as water) applied over a given area.