Pest insects

Pest insects can have adverse and damaging impacts on agricultural production and market access, the natural environment, and our lifestyle. Pest insects may cause problems by damaging crops and food production, parasitising livestock, or being a nuisance and health hazard to humans.

Western Australia is free from some of the world's major pest insects. Biosecurity measures on your property are vital in preventing the spread of insects.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development provides:

  • biosecurity/quarantine measures at the WA border to prevent the entry of pest insects
  • where relevant post border biosecurity measures
  • advice on widespread pest insects present in the state.

For advice on pest insects search our website, the Western Australian Organism List or contact our Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS).

For diagnostic services, please contact our Diagnostic Laboratory Services.


  • Cabbage white butterfly caterpillar

    Larvae of cabbage white butterfly are often found in canola crops. The larvae consume leaves but numbers are very rarely high enough to cause serious damage to the crop.

  • White italian snail

    There are three snail species that damage broadacre crops in Western Australia . Snail damage to crops has increased over the past ten years.

  • Webworm

    Webworm larvae are leaf-chewing pests of seedling wheat and barley.

  • Brown pasture looper caterpillar

    Caterpillars with a characteristic looping motion that chew seedling broadleaf crops.

  • Cabbage aphid

    Small soft-bodied winged (adults only) or wingless insects that damage canola by direct feeding or as a viral disease carrier.

  • Cutworm moths

    Cutworm caterpillars feed on seedling leaves and stems near ground level with stems often chewed through and ‘cut’ to ground level.

  • Left to right: larva, pupa and newly emerged adult bronzed field beetle

    False wireworms that damage canola crops are the larval stage of the bronzed field beetle.

  • Shiny black insects with light brown legs and rear pincers (Male left, female right)

    A chewing insect introduced from Europe that can damage seedling crops and contaminate grain. Mainly found in the southern wheatbelt.

  •  Caterpillar up to 40 millimetres long usually with a dark streak along its body

    The native budworm caterpillar can cause serious yield loss to canola as pods mature.

  • Chewed pea seed

    The larvae of the lucerne seed web moth (Etiella behrii - also called Etiella web moth) is an infrequent pest of peas and lupins.

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