Pests, weeds & diseases

Pests, weeds and diseases pose a serious risk for primary producers as they can impact on market access and agricultural production.

To reduce the impact of pests, weeds and diseases, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development:

  • works with landholders, grower groups, community groups and biosecurity groups.
  • provides diagnostic services and information on prevention, management and treatment.
  • provides biosecurity and quarantine measures to prevent introduction, and to eradicate or manage current pests.

For advice on pests, weeds and diseases search our website, the Western Australian Organism List or contact our Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS).

For diagnostic services, please contact our Diagnostic Laboratory Services.


  • The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has amended the registration of 2,4-D High Volatile Ester (HVE) herbicides.

  • Grape phylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae, is a major pest in all grape growing countries around the world.

  • There are many economic and financial implications that need to be considered when choosing a management option. These may include:

  • There are many economic and financial implications that need to be considered when choosing a management option. These may include:

  • There are many economic and financial implications that need to be considered when choosing a management option. These may include:

  • Some aquatic plants used in ponds and aquariums are highly invasive and have become serious weeds in natural waterways.

  • The treatment of vegetable seeds prior to planting can help control seed-borne diseases. Control of these diseases is necessary to prevent reduction in the crop yield.

  • Downy mildew is caused by a fungus which has been affecting impatiens in Western Australia since 2007 after being found in Victoria the previous year.

  • If azalea foliage or flowers are being spoiled by lace bug or petal blight, preventative action – taken at the right time of year – can ease the problem.

  • Emerging leaves are distorted and discoloured; leaf blades become cupped and crinkly

    Glyphosate is a systemic knockdown herbicide that is used extensively for brown fallow, summer weed or pre-seeding weed control, or selective weed control in glyphosate resistant crops.

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