Western Australian rangeland monitoring system (WARMS)

Page last updated: Monday, 20 March 2023 - 2:44pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Western Australian Rangeland Monitoring System (WARMS) sites are specialy chosen areas for repeated photography and collection of vegetation composition, shrub/tree cover and landscape function (soil surface assessment) data.

The information collected is used – with other sources of data – for reporting to Government and other bodies on the condition and trends in the Western Australian rangelands. The information can be reported at land system, local government area or Land Conservation District level.

Use WARMS data at the right scale

WARMS is designed to be interpreted at the vegetation type or regional scale, rather than lease (station) scale. Information gathered is typically used to inform government and the general community, rather than to provide tactical management advice for individual land managers.

Examples of the information in reports are:

WARMS sites are not randomly distributed, or distributed only on land in better condition classes: they are selectively distributed across poor-to-good condition classes (poor with the ability to recover) for each land system. WARMS sites are not indicative of overall condition at the lease level, and should only be interpreted as an aggregate dataset.

For detailed information on the WARMS methodology, download the Western Australian rangeland monitoring system for grasslands: field manual.