Reducing risks to canola establishment through an integrated understanding of genetics, management, and environment

Page last updated: Thursday, 28 March 2024 - 2:31pm

To provide Australian growers with access to management options that can increase the reliability of canola establishment. 

Start date: 12/12/2022
Finish date: 30/06/2026

Canola establishment field trial
Canola establishment field trial


Successful canola establishment is foundational to delivering a profitable crop, especially to seize opportunities when canola prices are high.

Canola establishment is still a significant constraint to growers, with differnt soil types providing different challenges for growers. 

Reducing risks of poor crop establishment in canola under marginal seedbed conditions offer prospects of increasing grower profitability. This may be achieved through an integrated approach that captures and leverages the interactions of genetics with environment and management (GxExM).

Combinations of novel approaches and technologies (e.g. genetic innovations in long hypocotyls and secondary seed dormancy, precision seeding technologies, seed treatments, and treatments to mitigate soil water repellence and soil surface crusting) suitable for canola growing regions across Australia are more likely to deliver reliable canola establishment through additive effects, as opposed to on their own.

To evaluate and optimise combinations of GxExM components a range of activities including desktop analysis, glasshouse and field experiments coupled with modelling are required across Australia. Industry consultation and collaboration with current investment partners will ensure appropriate approaches and methodologies are deployed which deliver to growers in all three GRDC regions bespoke management recommendations for each target production environment.

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