Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Canola growers will be budgeting to defend their crops against sclerotinia stem rot this year after experiencing the worst season on record for the fungal disease.

Work to maintain Western Australia’s freedom from bovine Johne’s disease (BJD) is continuing, with the latest round of test results delivered.

Department of Agriculture and Food research has revealed the optimum canola plant density for economic returns varies for different cultivars. 

WA grain growers are reminded to check stored grain for pest infestations especially if the grain is contracted to market.

Visitors to Wagin Woolorama are reminded to stop by the Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA) shed to access the latest information about livestock, grains and agribusiness. 

A single seed of the declared weed three-horned bedstraw has been detected in a canola sample from a property in the Upper Great Southern.

Mid-West producers are reminded to keep watch for the summer weed, crownbeard, which is toxic to sheep.

Seeding direction can help crops outcompete winter weeds, according to research by the Department of Agriculture and Food.

Wheatbelt farm business managers are urged to register as soon as possible to avoid missing out on participating in the popular Planning for Profit workshops.

Feb 2014
12 February 2014

Agricultural Resource Risk Management Seminar Series. Presenter: Mike Grundy, CSIRO

Training workshops focused on managing employees and boosting office skills are now available to Western Australian grain growers.

Growers with stored grain are reminded to undertake regular pest monitoring during summer and autumn. 

Western Australian sheep producers achieving outstanding lambing rates are reminded they can take part in the 100%+ Club initiative.

Producers are advised that anaemia in cattle due to a blood parasite has recently been confirmed on two South Coastal properties.

Registrations are now open for the Department of Agriculture and Food’s free fertiliser demonstration days to be held throughout the South-West and Great Southern next month.

The Department of Agriculture and Food is reminding pastoralists in the Kimberley to check for rattlepod plants that can cause ‘walkabout disease’ in horses.

Sheep producers are encouraged to test drench resistance on their lambs following severe worm problems experienced in Western Australia after early autumn rains.

Western Australian and Scottish researchers are developing a world-first vaccine to guard against intestinal worms in sheep.

Growers interested in establishing the hard-seeded serradella variety Margurita should consider summer sowing of pods to take advantage of an innovative new technique developed by Department of Agr

Department of Agriculture and Food inspectors will continue to monitor saleyards, abattoirs and export depots in 2014 to ensure animal welfare and traceability compliance, recently completing train


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am