Regional and Seasonal content

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The Season 2024 webpage contains seasonally relevant information and management options in the broadacre and south-west agricultural areas along with the Southern Rangelands of Western Australia.

Polyphagous shot-hole borer (PSHB) Euwallacea fornicatus is a beetle native to Southeast Asia. The beetle attacks a wide range of plants by tunnelling into trunks, stems and branches.

PestFacts WA (formerly known as PestFax) is an interactive reporting service delivered by DPIRD, providing risk alerts, current information and advice on pests and diseases threatening crops and pa

Up to date autumn/winter and winter/spring insecticide spray guides are provided by the department every year to help growers and consultants manage insect pests in canola, lupin and cereal crops.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia (DPIRD) is responsible for the administration of the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM A

The current model rainfall outlook for the South West Land Division (SWLD) from May to July, extending to August to October, indicates neutral chances of exceeding median rainfall, with an equal...

The 2024 season has been difficult for many throughout Western Australia with variable rainfall impacting on production and profitability.

Western Australian food and beverage manufacturers are now featured in a series of interactive, online Food and Beverage Capability Guides.

Adequate supplies of good quality stock water are just as important as feed supplies during summer, a period when feed and water quantity and quality are at their lowest in the agricultural areas o

The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) provides the authority for regulations to be made for the erection and maintenance of barrier fences as a means of controlling

The Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (known as DRFAWA) commenced as of 1 November 2018 and provide a range of measures designed to help those within disaster affected communities. 

In the third edition of the Wine Industry Newsletter for 2021, West Australian specific topics include a review of Pinot Noir clones, free trunk disease testing for producers, a new snail research...

1. Comparison of udder and teat traits in merino ewes recorded at lambing
2. Using lupins and the ram effect to improve reproductive performance in Merino ewes in southern Australia

Western Australia is free of some diseases that are endemic to other areas in Australia.

The Western Australian Farming Systems project is a 5 year co-investment by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and the Grains Research and Development Corporation

Extrata® is a new data exchange platform designed to assist WA primary producers to gain actionable insights to boost their operational performance.

A farm’s data from the tractor, header, weather stations and soil moisture probes often sit in various online clouds and can be difficult to access.

Primary producers are gaining an edge by leveraging data to inform decision-making and improve their farm's productivity.

In this 150th edition of the Wine Industry Newsletter articles include a summary of DPIRD's research activities over the vintage, a recap of the Australian Cabernet Sysmposium, a teaser for the...

Agricultural practices and farming systems produce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. These emissions are mainly in the forms of methane and nitrous oxides.



Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am