Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The production of chicons or witlof ('white leaf') chicory is a major industry in many European countries but it is an expensive vegetable to grow as it is a two-stage crop, requiring 'forcing' for

Silverbeet is grown throughout the year in the Perth Metropolitan Area. It has dark green leaves and stems that can be white, pink, orange, red or yellow.

When different fruits and vegetables are stored together, one foodstuff may be tainted by odours given off by another.

The storage life of fresh fruit and vegetables varies with type, variety and pre-harvest conditions.

Carrot virus Y has been found in carrot crops throughout Australia.

Manganese deficiency is most often seen on well drained neutral or calcareous soils but heavy fertiliser usage can induce it in other soils, particularly after heavy applications of lime.

Rhubarb is grown commercially in small quantities in Western Australia for the domestic market. It grows best in cool to warm conditions, with reduced vigour during the cold winter months.

Growing strawberries as a commercial crop needs attention to detail to achieve the best results. The information below summarises advice on growing strawberries as recommended in Western Australia.

Aug 2016
3 August 2016

Come and visit the DAFWA Shed at the Dowerin Field Days. DAFWA staff and projects will be present as we showcase all things Digital Farming.

Spinach is a general term for certain vegetables and may refer to plants from five different families.

Jul 2016
25 July 2016

Bred Well Fed Well workshops aim to increase your confidence in ram selection and purchase through utilising Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBVs) to assist you in buying the right genes for...

Waxflower is susceptible to a range of foliar diseases. The main problems which occur in commercial plantations and their control are outlined here.

The red and green kangaroo paw is the floral emblem of Western Australia.

Verticordias are a diverse group of Australian native plants which display a range of flower colours of orange, yellow, red, pink, cream and white.

Jul 2016
11 July 2016

These field days will be interactive and feature Geoff Duddy of Sheep Solutions, New South Wales, who is considered the leading expert on practical approaches to feedlotting sheep in Australia. He...

This edition includes articles on the adotption of Australian Sheep Breeding Values, a RamSelect case study, is shearing more than once a year worth it, the Agribusiness Sheep Updates and similar...

Jul 2016
20 June 2016

The ACCC is inviting people involved with cattle and beef markets to participate in a series of regional forums.

Jun 2016
20 June 2016

The ACCC is holding a series of regional workshops to speak with people in the horticulture and viticulture industries about the competition and fair-trading issues that affect them.

Jun 2016
13 June 2016

Each year winemakers regularly experiment with different techniques in the vineyard and winery. DAFWA is hosting an upcoming event where winemakers can taste other winemakers’ trial wines produced...

It is difficult to provide prescriptive guidelines for strawberry irrigation given the wide range of planting configurations and irrigation layouts.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am