Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Leaf rust, powdery mildew, yellow spot/nodorum blotch and flag smut are appearing in wheat
Early spot form and net form net blotches are emerging in barley
Bacterial blight and Septoria...

The Crop Sowing Guide for Western Australia is a one stop shop for variety information on all the major crops grown in WA.

Bioenergy in simple terms is the conversion of biomass to energy, however the broad range of potential biomass inputs, conversion technologies and energy product outputs makes biomass to bioenergy

Expressions of interest (EOI) to be appointed as a Committee Member of the Industry Funding Scheme (IFS) Management Committees will open at 8:00am, 25 June 2024 and close at 8:00pm, 31 July 2024.

Which foliar fungicide active ingredients are registered for which cereal diseases in WA?

The information provided on this page details products with full registration or with permits for use in pulse crops and provides further details on application rates, withholding periods and other

Which foliar fungicide active ingredients are registered for which canola diseases in Western Australia?

Russian wheat aphids being found in cereal crops
Lucerne flea update
Register to attend DPIRD’s 2024 crop disease and insect identification workshop

National collaboration to enhance snail management solutions
New barley gene for shorter, high yielding crops
National Hay Agronomy project aims to elevate Australia's oaten hay exports...

Industry Funding Scheme contributions are collected from producers by ‘registered receivers’, in the case of grains, seeds and hay; and by stock agents and processors, in the case of cattle, sheep

In accordance with the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Declared Pest Account) Regulations 2014, the Minister for Agriculture and Food carries out consultation on Declared Pest Rates (DPR),

The Western Australian Climate Policy commits the Government to develop Sectoral Emissions Reduction Strategies (SERS) to guide cost-effective emissions reductions across key economic sectors.    

DPIRD recognises the importance of reducing emissions in agricultural systems and are dedicated to implementing sustainable practices that mitigate environmental impacts while contributing to incre

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPRID) Aboriginal Economic Development (AED) Program is designed to facilitate sustainable and lasting increases to Aboriginal economi

The current rainfall outlook for the South West Land Division (SWLD) for the next three months, July to September, indicates mixed chances of exceeding median rainfall.

Warmer temperatures...

Extrata adheres to rigorous privacy procedures to secure and protect our user's sensitive personal and agricultural data.

Permits are required for landholders to possess and use registered S7 pesticides such as 1080, PAPP or strychnine products for vertebrate animal control on leasehold or freehold land.

DDLS - Plant Pathology Laboratories charges for the services it provides.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) fees and charges for biosecurity services comes into effect on 1 July each year* to enable DPIRD to continue to provide essenti

This page lists the application for various permits regarding the import, management and control of declared vertebrate pests in Western Australia, as well as the assessment of new or unlisted vert


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am