Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The Agrifood and Beverage Voucher program assists Western Australian agrifood and beverage businesses to engage consultants or technical experts to help grow and improve sustainability outcomes for

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has established the John Cripps horticulture scholarships to increase the collaborative research undertaken in horticulture in

Slaters and Portuguese millipedes are damaging crop seedlings
Canola aphid and virus update

The WA Government is providing funding for eligible commercial WA horticultural businesses for a suite of water use efficiency activities. This initiative will support horticultural groundwater use

•    Researching beneficial insect canola pest management
•    Meet crop protection team member - Carla Wilkinson

Avian Influenza can be caused by many different strains of the avian influenza virus, some strains of Avian Influenza virus have the potential to cause significant losses if commercial poultry ente

Blackspot in field peas can occur in three ways; from infected seed, through the soil or most commonly, through infected pea stubble.

Field Pea Blackspot Management Guide is a location and season specific weekly forecast.

Field Pea Blackspot Management Guide is a location and season specific weekly forecast.

Field Pea Blackspot Management Guide is a location and season specific weekly forecast.

Field Pea Blackspot Management Guide is a location and season specific weekly forecast.

1. The impact of changing joining rates on the Western Australian sheep flock
2. Transformation of saltland areas at Katanning Research Station
3. Identifying high-value tactical...

This page contains the strategic plan for the Cattle Industry Funding Scheme Management Committee. 

1. Comparison of udder and teat traits in merino ewes recorded at lambing
2. Using lupins and the ram effect to improve reproductive performance in Merino ewes in southern Australia

Liver fluke is a parasite of ruminants and is not present in Western Australia.

Applying gibberellic acid or nitrogen fertiliser to pasture in winter can increase dry matter production of grasses and broadleaf weeds and help reduce feed shortages in winter.

Slugs are damaging seedling crops
Native budworm moth flights have started

Two documents on Australian truffle orchard pest and diseases are available to download.

Volume 151 features a summary of climatic data of the current growing season compared  to the previous seasons across WA’s 9 wine regions, information on the mysterious Pinot Noir clone 'Droopy',...

Field Pea Blackspot Management Guide is a location and season specific weekly forecast.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am