Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews is a weekly e-newsletter from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development which provides up-to-date news related to agrifood and fisheries

This page provides information regarding the Carbon for Farmers Voucher Program.

The Western Australian Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program is a key initiative of the State Climate Policy.

•    Impact of a dry summer on insect pests
•    Meet the Crop protection team member – Andrew Phillips

Using pitfall traps to detect pests
Cockchafer larvae are damaging crops
Caterpillars continue to feed on crops
Mite and lucerne flea update

Senesced dry pasture will be below the energy and protein requirements for maintenance of all classes of cattle and supplementary feed must be provided to maintain their condition score.

Pastures from SpaceTM estimates green feed on offer (FOO) and the pasture growth rate (PGR).

The feed requirements of a ewe with a lamb at foot are higher than if the ewe and lambs are fed separately. In a difficult season with short feed supplies, it is better to early-wean lambs from the

Supplementary feeding of sheep, with grain, hay or silage is necessary when pastures or stubbles are deficient in energy and protein.

The Western Australian Government, through the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, is focusing resources on supporting the growth of premium and value-add food and beverage b

The current rainfall outlook for the South West Land Division (SWLD) from winter (June to August) through to spring (September to November) indicates neutral chances of exceeding median rainfall,...

South West cattle producers and small landholders are being affected by an extended dry season where available annual pasture and feed reserves are being depleted.

These tools, calculators and resources are designed to help producers manage their cattle more effectively and make better management decisions about feed budgeting and grazing.

This page provides pastoralists with information to support them in a very dry year, in the southern rangelands of Western Australia.

The following pages provide more useful information on animal welfare. This includes:

Information sheets on important animal welfare issues.

Field Pea Blackspot Management Guide is a location and season specific weekly forecast.

Field Pea Blackspot Management Guide is a location and season specific weekly forecast.

Field Pea Blackspot Management Guide is a location and season specific weekly forecast.

Field Pea Blackspot Management Guide is a location and season specific weekly forecast.

The DPIRD blackleg forecast model predicts the dates of spore maturation on canola stubble. Spore showers will commence soon after the spores are mature in the fruiting bodies.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am