Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Feral cats are the same species as domestic cats, but survive in the wild without human reliance or contact.

Calling a vet to investigate disease protects our markets: The WA Livestock Disease Outlook provides information about recent livestock disease cases in Western Australia and diseases...

Livestock disease investigations protect our markets: Australia’s ability to sell livestock and livestock products depends on evidence from our surveillance systems that we are free of particular...

AgMemo is the department’s flagship  newsletter - keeping subscribers across the state up to date with the department’s activities, news and advice. In this edition: 2019 dry season resources;...

In this edition:

Calling a vet to investigate disease protects our markets: The WA Livestock Disease Outlook provides information about recent livestock disease cases in Western Australia and diseases...

Livestock disease investigations protect our markets: Australia’s ability to sell livestock and livestock products depends on evidence from our surveillance systems that we are free of particular...

The Animal welfare regulation newsletter provides information on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s role in ensuring that all livestock receive appropriate standards...

Tar vine (Boerhavia coccinea) is found throughout Australia, with the exception of Tasmania.

The importation of livestock into Western Australia and checking of imported livestock at the border is carried out by Quarantine WA (QWA).

Contact details for QWA are outlined below.

Calling a vet to investigate disease protects our markets: The WA Livestock Disease Outlook provides information about recent livestock disease cases in Western Australia and diseases...

Drench resistance in cattle worms has been found in tests in several countries in recent years, prompting an investigation into the situation in Western Australia.

Five-day foot bathing is a treatment option that can be used as a disease reduction measure in winter, spring, or at the start of summer to treat clinically mild forms of footrot in sheep.

Drywood termites such as Cryptotermes dudleyi and C.

Applications are now closed for the Export Competitiveness Grants (ECG) program.

Calling a vet to investigate disease protects our markets: The WA Livestock Disease Outlook provides information about recent livestock disease cases in Western Australia and diseases...

The WA Livestock Disease Outlook - for vets provides information about recent livestock disease cases in Western Australia and diseases likely to occur in the next month. Australia’s...

Are you a small landholder who owns cattle, sheep, horses, goats, buffalo, deer, pigs, alpacas or llamas?

Do you only own one of these animals that you regard as a pet?

The Fit to trade bulletin promotes government and industry partnership across the biosecurity systems that protect and enable Western Australia's livestock businesses to trade into...

Some of the world’s safest grains, fruit and vegetable products are produced in Western Australia. WA farmers produce safe food by keeping their products free of harmful residues.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am