Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Scheduling irrigation requires an understanding of how much water your soil can hold and how much of that water your crop can use.

Irrigation is one of the most important factors in producing a good yield of quality citrus.

Monitoring a citrus orchard to gain some knowledge of the effectiveness of nutrition programs can be difficult, expensive and time consuming.  It is, however, the only way a valid assessment can be

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) outlook for spring, September to November 2019 is indicating less than a 40% chance of...

All ruminants (including sheep, cattle and goats) require cobalt in their diet for the synthesis of vitamin B12.

Calling a vet to investigate disease protects our markets: The WA Livestock Disease Outlook provides information about recent livestock disease cases in Western Australia and diseases...

Livestock disease investigations protect our markets: Australia’s ability to sell livestock and livestock products depends on evidence from our surveillance systems that we are free of particular...

Cattle are common victims of fires in Australia. Cattle are generally less affected by fires than sheep because of their superior height and speed, but they can be severely burnt if trapped, such a

The Furmint and Kadarka varieties of wine grapes were identified by the wine industry as having potential for future development of premium Western Australian wine and were planted for evaluation i

Soil moisture sensors aid good irrigation management. Good irrigation management gives better crops, uses fewer inputs, and increases profitability.

The production of host trees inoculated with Tuber species for the production of truffles is a highly specialised activity.

What is the difference between black and white net? Is there a difference or is it just your preference.

This page lists species commonly found on or near saline land in southern Western Australia. These species can be used as indicators of the level of salinity and waterlogging on the site.

Four summer weed time of removal trials were implemented across the Western Australian wheatbelt in March 2017 following a widespread summer rainfall event.

As a protection mechanism from damage during harsh winter conditions, perennial fruit trees go through a period of dormancy.

In this edition:

AgMemo is the department’s flagship newsletter - keeping subscribers across the state up to date with the department’s activities, news and advice. In this edition:

Sheep are common victims of fires in Australia. The information below describes how fire may affect sheep and the management options landholders have.

There are multiple possible causes of both infertility and abortion in ewes, but making a definitive diagnosis is often difficult. Some diseases which are exotic to Australia can cause abortions.

Vaccines can prevent a wide range of diseases that cause reduced production, fertility or death in cattle and economic losses to Western Australian producers.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am