Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The storage life of fresh fruit and vegetables varies with type, variety and pre-harvest conditions.

Manganese deficiency is most often seen on well drained neutral or calcareous soils but heavy fertiliser usage can induce it in other soils, particularly after heavy applications of lime.

Rhubarb is grown commercially in small quantities in Western Australia for the domestic market. It grows best in cool to warm conditions, with reduced vigour during the cold winter months.

Growing strawberries as a commercial crop needs attention to detail to achieve the best results. The information below summarises advice on growing strawberries as recommended in Western Australia.

Aug 2016
3 August 2016

Come and visit the DAFWA Shed at the Dowerin Field Days. DAFWA staff and projects will be present as we showcase all things Digital Farming.

Spinach is a general term for certain vegetables and may refer to plants from five different families.

Waxflower is susceptible to a range of foliar diseases. The main problems which occur in commercial plantations and their control are outlined here.

The red and green kangaroo paw is the floral emblem of Western Australia.

Verticordias are a diverse group of Australian native plants which display a range of flower colours of orange, yellow, red, pink, cream and white.

Aug 2016
13 May 2016

Agribusiness Sheep Updates 2016 will be held in Perth on 30 August 2016. More details to follow. 

May 2016
27 April 2016

In the workshop, delivered by Rural Directions on behalf of the Grower Group Alliance, you will gain practical skills and tools to enhance the management of self and others, to increase the...

Bruising of ware potatoes causes economic loss but good management at harvest and processing can significantly reduce losses.

Jun 2016
11 April 2016

WA businesses are invited to attend a free session to learn about the advantages of taking on a trainee and to network with year 12 agriculture college students.

Australia’s ability to sell livestock and livestock products depends on evidence from our surveillance systems that we are free of livestock diseases that are reportable or which affect trade. To...

Benchmarking of water use is the process of periodically recording various factors in order to compare current and past performance.


Apr 2016
29 March 2016

On the 6 and 7 April 2016, Partners in Grain WA are hosting the INSPIRE Summit, an advanced farm business skills summit for up to 100 women from WA farm businesses.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am