Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The Testing Traceability Systems Grant Program will allow Western Australian plant and plant product growers and supply chain participants to test traceability systems to provide valuable insights

Western Australia is free of most of the significant diseases that affect animals in other parts of the world.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) outlook for October to December, 2022 is indicating mostly neutral (40-60%) probability...

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is one of Australia’s greatest biosecurity risks.

The department is a key partner in the Grains Research and Development Corporations' (GRDC) National Frost Initiative (NFI) which aims to provide the Australian grains industry with targeted resear

These pages have been produced as an online user manual for iLime, outlining specific features of the app and how to use them.

A national livestock standstill is when it is nationally agreed that specific livestock species affected by an emergency disease must not be moved.

Frost risk occurs virtually every year across southern and eastern agricultural regions. Actual occurrence of frost is determined by location and landscape factors as well as climate.

It is illegal to feed meat, meat products and food that has been in contact with meat to pigs in Australia.

Many exotic insect pests, not established in Western Australia (WA), are expert stowaways!

Fifteen Internet of Things (IoT) Program projects were conducted across the state in 2020.

The $580 000 WA Internet of Things (IoT) DecisionAg Grant Program (Program) was completed in 2021 and focused on demonstrating agricultural digital technology (ag-tech) solutions to WA growers and

'Real-time remote on-farm monitoring' is a compilation of case studies about the learning experiences of eight grower groups and five agricultural schools on their journeys to demonstrate on-farm c

The release of the nation’s first Digital Infrastructure Atlas will provide WA enterprises with increased opportunities to improve their telecommunications services.

In this issue:

1. An economic analysis of sheep flock structures for mixed enterprise Australian farm businesses

2. MLA Tedera Demonstration 2020-2023

3. Using scanned fetal...

Snail monitoring using time-lapse cameras show snails move on nights when relative humidity (RH) is above 70% though are most active when RH is above 80%.

During 2013–2016 a network of 31 soil moisture probes was installed across the grain growing region in WA across several projects managed by DPIRD to enhance the decision-making capacity of grain g

Producing chickens or eggs on land treated or contaminated with organochlorines (OC) is not recommended for domestic consumption or commercial purposes.

Hendra virus is an emergency animal disease transmitted to horses by flying foxes (fruit bats).

Bluetongue virus can infect all ruminants but it usually only causes serious disease in sheep. Cattle may be infected with the virus but rarely show disease.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am