Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Western Australia is free of most of the significant diseases that affect animals in other parts of the world.

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is one of Australia’s greatest biosecurity risks.

A national livestock standstill is when it is nationally agreed that specific livestock species affected by an emergency disease must not be moved.

It is illegal to feed meat, meat products and food that has been in contact with meat to pigs in Australia.

Many exotic insect pests, not established in Western Australia (WA), are expert stowaways!

The $580 000 WA Internet of Things (IoT) DecisionAg Grant Program (Program) was completed in 2021 and focused on demonstrating agricultural digital technology (ag-tech) solutions to WA growers and

The release of the nation’s first Digital Infrastructure Atlas will provide WA enterprises with increased opportunities to improve their telecommunications services.

During 2013–2016 a network of 31 soil moisture probes was installed across the grain growing region in WA across several projects managed by DPIRD to enhance the decision-making capacity of grain g

Producing chickens or eggs on land treated or contaminated with organochlorines (OC) is not recommended for domestic consumption or commercial purposes.

Hendra virus is an emergency animal disease transmitted to horses by flying foxes (fruit bats).

Bluetongue virus can infect all ruminants but it usually only causes serious disease in sheep. Cattle may be infected with the virus but rarely show disease.

Whether you are a bushwalker, mountain bike rider, camper, fisher or rock climber, we all have a role to play in protecting Australia’s animals and regional industries from serious diseases.

The following import conditions for entry of cattle into Western Australia will apply from 1 July 2021.

Western Australian producers can access a variety of subsidies for disease investigations in livestock that will minimise the cost of calling a vet and maximise the benefits.

Requirements under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 and the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Regulations 2013 apply when importing livestock from interstate and/or

Australia is free of many infectious horse diseases, saving owners costly disease control. The occurrence of an emergency horse disease could severely restrict horse movements, racing and other com

Traditionally, agriculture in the Western Australian rangelands has predominantly relied on grazing stock on native vegetation, with some irrigation precincts around Carnarvon and on the Ord River

Johne’s disease (JD) is a chronic incurable infectious disease that affects cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, alpaca and deer.

Agistment is an option for removing livestock from a property, for a number of reasons – after a fire, when paddock feed is inadequate, to spell pastures, or to finish livestock for sale on better

Pigeon rotavirus was first detected in Western Australia as a result of investigation of a disease outbreak in racing pigeons in May and June 2016.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am