
Weather damage in barley is a common problem worldwide including the south coast of Western Australia (WA) where it is associated with the late spring/early summer rains.

Biomass production was greater and distribution of green feed over time wider for the pasture-crop compared to crop only or permanent pasture systems.

Establishing perennial pastures with precision guidance technology provides the opportunity to sow annual crops between perennial rows with tined seeders in future years.

Which cereal or variety is more profitable to grow on wheat or canola stubble? There were nine trials conducted across the wheatbelt in 2014 addressing this issue.

Management of weeds, disease and nitrogen nutrition are ongoing challenges that limit yield potential.

Research was conducted into the yield and quality response of long season wheat and barley varieties to a range of sowing times between mid-April and mid-May at Esperance, Katanning and Dandaragan.

Loose smut control is necessary to preserve grain yield as affected plants do not produce grain.

Seed dressing and in-furrow fungicides contain active ingredients for the control or suppression of seed-borne diseases, some fungal foliar diseases and some fungal root rots in cereal crops.

Net-form net blotch is a fungal disease that can reduce yield and grain quality of barley crops. This page describes the symptoms briefly, with greater focus on how this disease is managed.