
This trial examines the positive impact of crop competition, crop type rotation and the mouldboard plough on weed management.

Management of weeds, disease and nitrogen nutrition are ongoing challenges that limit yield potential.

For successful management of sclerotinia stem rot in most years it is critical to target fungicides at early stage of bloom (20-30%), but optimal timing can vary depending on the season, in particu

In stressed conditions canola yields and gross margins were reduced at plant densities above 20 plants per square metre (plants/m2).

Seed of Roundup ready (RR) and hybrid varieties can be up to 30 times more expensive than retained seed of open pollinated (OP) triazine tolerant (TT) varieties, so getting the seed rate right is e

This trial looked at the impact of plant density response in low rainfall canola. The trial found that birds preferentially attacked low density treatments and late maturing variety Hyola 450TT.

This trial looked at plant density in low rainfall canola.

This trial investigated options for improving production from retained, hybrid and open pollinated canola seed; grading harder, buying new seed, increasing the seed rate, mixing retained and new se

This trial looked at plant density response of canola in the medium rainfall area of Katanning.

This trial looked at the plant density response of canola in low rainfall areas (Holt Rock).

This trial looked at the impact of plant density response of canola in medium rainfall at Pingrup.

This trial looked at plant density response in medium rainfall canola.

Most canola had acceptable losses prior to harvest, even with delayed harvest. The greatest proportion of losses occurred at harvest.

The Tactical break crop agronomy project has many canola agronomy trials each year.

Canola grown in wide rows (44-60cm) in the northern region yielded well enough compared to narrow rows (22-30cm) to consider this sowing option.

In a 2014 trial, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) concluded that it was not worth re-seeding canola.

The Tactical Break Crop Agronomy project has many canola agronomy trials each year.

This page lists some of the canola research trials of the Tactical break crop agronomy project.

Yield response to applied nitrogen (N) in lower rainfall areas is often relatively low and may also reduce oil.

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