
It is important for all small landholders to do a water budget when making a decision on the number of animals to run on your property.

As a landholder it is important to plan ahead for the coming season.

If you run livestock, whether on a small scale or commercially, you need a biosecurity plan.

When revegetating your property it is important to plan, prepare and monitor your site to ensure you get the most out of it.

Growing an orchard can give immense satisfaction — especially when consuming the ripened end product.

Small producers can often feel a little out of their depth when it comes to supplying and marketing their produce to large-scale buyers.

The social media revolution started in 2004 with the introduction of social platforms to share thoughts, ideas and images.

Acidic soils cause significant losses in production, restricting crop and pasture choice. Acidic soil, particularly in the subsurface, will restrict root access to water and nutrients.

About 80% of the variation in methane production is explained by feed intake. Reducing the stocking rate of sheep on the farm reduces the pasture consumption and methane production per hectare.

Nitrogen (N) deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in wheat.

Most marketing professionals would tell you that having a website is essential in order to market your business effectively.

Revegetating your dream property can be a challenge, so make sure you take the time to plan.

When you have farm animals, unfortunately worms, lice and flies are sure to follow. Insect pest and parasite infestations will make members of your flock unwell and even cost them their lives.

Do you run, or intend to run, a small agrifood business? Have you taken a step back lately and really considered how your business is performing?

Agistment describes the movement of livestock from a property where there is little feed or water to another property where there are adequate supplies.

What is drought? What are the effects of drought? And what role should Government play before, during and after drought events?

The internet has revolutionised the way in which business is conducted, impacting every aspect of a business, from record and account keeping to marketing and promotion, banking, communication and

Using tillage to incorporate lime improves the rates of reaction and increases subsurface pH sooner than spreading lime on the surface alone.

Tips for purchasing small rural landholdings is designed to assist prospective purchasers with selecting the most suitable property to meet their needs and expectations.

Management of weeds, disease and nitrogen nutrition are ongoing challenges that limit yield potential.

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