Soils decision support tools

Page last updated: Tuesday, 16 January 2018 - 10:13am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

This page provides a list of soils tools the department has developed, provided input to or supports in order to help our clients make more informed decisions. It also provides a list of tools that are currently ebing updated or developed by the department.

Soils tools currently available

MyPaddock is a tool for visualising and comparing the level of different crop production constraints by quantifying the potential yield loss and can be used to compare the intensity of constraints and its impact on yield.

MySoil is a simple diagnostic tool designed to improve identification of soil types. By identifying soil type and the main issues associated with the soil, growers can target their investigations of possible reasons why a paddock has not performed to its potential.

Seasonal forecasting tools links to a page where rainfall to date, potential yeild and soil water tools can be found.

ROSA provides a cost-effectiveness ranking of soil amendment options to address one or more soil constraints within a farm business.

Soil water tool runs plant available soil water models for ten different soil types that have been characterised according to their water-holding capacity. Plant available soil water graphs show the amount of soil water accumulated from the start of summer (1 November) through the grain growing season and can be used as a tool in the seasonal decision making process.

Externally developed tools that the department has provided input or support to

Yield Prophet is an agricultural decision-support tool that can help you achieve more from your land and limited resources (like rainfall).

Controlled Traffic Farming Calculator can help you estimate the percentage of your paddock currently trafficked and assess compaction management options for your farm including controlled traffic farming and deep tillage.

CliMate is designed for decision makers who use knowledge of system status and probabilities of weather events to manage risk. It interrogates long term climate records to ask questions relating to rainfall, temperature, radiation, and derived variables such as heat sum, soil water, nitrate accumulation, yield potential, drought, seasonal forecasts and time trend analyses.

SoilWaterApp provides farmers and advisers with a ready estimate of plant available water (PAW) in the soil during a fallow and early crop phase. SWApp estimates soil water (PAW) using a tested water balance model (Howleaky) and inputs from local soil, weather and crop information.

Soil Water Express is a simple and cost-effective means of characterising soil profiles for their plant available water capacity (PAWC) and plant available water (PAW).

SoilMapp taps into the best available soil information from Australia’s national soil databases. You can find out about the likely types of soil near you or you can look anywhere across the country.

Soils tools currently being updated

SYN (select your nitrogen) helps to quantify nitrogen availability and crop response. It is currently available as an excel spreadsheet on a CDROM but will become an online tool in the future. For further information contact Craig Scanlan.

Crop Phosphorus Model, for further information contact Craig Scanlan.

Crop Potassium Model, for further information contact Craig Scanlan.

iLime, for further information contact Chris Gazey.

Contact information

+61 (0)8 9368 3493