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Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia), is a pest of barley and wheat crops.

The Fit to trade bulletin promotes government and industry partnership across the biosecurity systems that protect and enable Western Australia's livestock businesses to trade into...

Agricultural extension requires a blend of new digital communication tools and good old fashioned ‘pressing the flesh’, according to a noted US extension specialist.

The Department of Agriculture and Food’s Small Landholder Information Service (SLIS) will be at this year’s Nannup Flower and Garden Festival on August 16 and 17. 

The “agriculture weed surveillance in the south west” project’s key goal was to develop capacity for surveillance of high priority declared weeds that impact agriculture and investigate options to

The Carnarvon Horticulture District is located along the fertile delta of the Gascoyne River.

The Gascoyne horticultural district extends eastward from the coast along the banks of the Gascoyne River near Carnarvon, Western Australia.

Spear grass/wallaby grass pastures are one of the many pasture types in the southern rangelands of Western Australia. Note that cassias are in the genus Senna.

A cutting edge, digital book series that digs up soils information and data from across the State has been launched today to celebrate World Soil Day.