Water management

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development supports dryland and irrigated industries by providing information on best practice water management in dryland and irrigated farming systems. This includes information on rainfall-runoff capture, storage and use, and management systems to prevent land degradation.

Support and knowledge on practices for irrigation as well as planning and design tools, to support farmers manage water in a changing climate, are being continually updated. Our work complements the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s Rural Water Planning Program, which offers incentive schemes, grants, planning and technical services, emergency water arrangements, and information on best practice water supply improvements.


  • Blue-green algae blooms thrive in warm, calm, shallow bodies of water where the water is hard, alkaline and rich in nitrogen, phosphates, carbonates and organic matter.

  • Blue-green algae blooms thrive in warm, calm, shallow bodies of water where the water is hard, alkaline and rich in nitrogen, phosphates, carbonates, and organic matter.

  • Don’t send water and fertiliser dollars down the drain. When it comes to irrigation systems, one size does not fit all.