
The Western Australian citrus industry primarily supplies the local market with high quality oranges, mandarins, grapefruit, lemons and limes. 

Growing areas range from Kununurra in the north to Harvey in the south with recent expansion and large businesses near Moora. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development works very closely with theWA Citrus on trialling new varieties and providing other technical assistance related to orchard management.

Fresh citrus is available for much of the year from local orchards and imported at other times. The main local season runs from May to December. 


  • The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has taken action to protect Western Australia’s citrus growers from the threat of citrus canker following confirmation that the disease

  • Dry rot (Eremothecium coryli) is an exotic pest to Western Australia.

  • Dry rot (Eremothecium coryli) is a serious pest of citrus that can affect fruit palatability and citrus rootstock seed production. This pest is not known to occur in Western Australia.

  • Pink disease (Erythricium salmonicolor) is an exotic pest to Western Australia. It is a serious disease of citrus than can result in yield losses due to limb and tree death.

  • Pink disease (Erythricium salmonicolor) is a serious pest of citrus that can affect entire limbs and/or kill trees. This pest is not known to occur in Western Australia.

  • Citrus black spot is caused by the fungus Guignardia citricarpa. It is not known to occur in Western Australia, but is found in other parts of Australia.

  • Citrus black spot (Guignardia citricarpa) is a fungal disease of citrus trees that can affect external fruit quality. This disease is not known to occur in Western Australia.

  • Septoria spot of citrus (Septoria citri) is an exotic disease to Western Australia. It is a serious pest that causes fruit blemishes, affecting saleability for the fresh fruit market.

  • Septoria spot (Septoria citri) is a serious pest of citrus that can affect external fruit quality. This pest is not known to occur in Western Australia.