
The Western Australian citrus industry primarily supplies the local market with high quality oranges, mandarins, grapefruit, lemons and limes. 

Growing areas range from Kununurra in the north to Harvey in the south with recent expansion and large businesses near Moora. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development works very closely with theWA Citrus on trialling new varieties and providing other technical assistance related to orchard management.

Fresh citrus is available for much of the year from local orchards and imported at other times. The main local season runs from May to December. 


  • Citrus gall wasp (Bruchophagus fellis) is a pest of citrus trees. Discovered in the suburb of Eden Hill in 2013 it is now an established pest in Perth.

  • Thrips (Thysanoptera) are small, slender, soft-bodied insects, just visible to the naked eye.

  • Western Australia has a low prevalence of citrus pests and diseases compared to most other countries.

  • Mealybugs (family Pseudococcidae) are oval-shaped, segmented, soft-bodied insects covered with white, mealy wax. They are often found between touching fruit, under the calyx or in the 'navels' of o

  • Find out more about the most common insect pests of citrus trees occurring in home gardens in Western Australia and their control using natural or low toxic chemical controls.

  • Citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton, is the only leafminer attacking citrus in Australia.

  • Four species of aphids on citrus are recorded in Australia but only two occur in Western Australia, the brown/black citrus aphid Toxoptera citricidus (Kirkaldy) and spiraea aphid, Aphi

  • Carpophilus, also known as driedfruit beetles, are a worldwide pest of fruits, both pre- and post-harvest, and grains.

  • The crusader bug (Mictis profana) is an insect commonly found in citrus, with a wide distribution within Australia, Indonesia and the Indo-Pacific.