
Pastures play a major role in agricultural enterprises and contribute over $3 billion annually in Western Australia through animal production, improvements to crop rotations and conserved fodder. In a typical year pastures occupy up to half the land in low to medium rainfall areas and over two thirds of the land in high rainfall areas. Improved pastures are increasingly being used to play a more comprehensive role in farming systems to address emerging challenges for environment protection and food production.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is a world leader in pasture breeding and selection, grazing systems design and agronomic management of pastures. The department provides information, tools and resources to support the success of the agriculture sector in improving the productivity and profitability of pasture systems under both dryland and irrigated conditions. 


  • The quality of any new pasture will be a reflection of the time and preparation you devote to establishment.

  • The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is planning for the future of irrigated agriculture development in the Pilbara

  • Rouse is a mid to late flowering variety of the waterlogging-tolerant “white-seeded” yanninicum subspecies of sub clover.

  • Yanco is a midseason flowering variety of the waterlogging-tolerant “white-seeded” yanninicum subspecies of sub clover.

  • Six new subterranean clover varieties have been developed from a national five-year joint venture between the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and pasture seed comp

  • Rosabrook is a late flowering, disease resistant subterranean clover with increased resistance to redlegged earth mites (RLEM) and high early season biomass production.

  • Narrikup is a very vigorous midseason flowering variety of the “black-seeded” subterraneum subspecies of sub clover.

  • Forbes has been developed for use in cropping rotations in areas with 350-525 mm annual average rainfall.

  • Tammin is a more persistent early flowering variety for cropping rotations in low-medium rainfall (300-450 mm annual average rainfall) areas with the novel traits of seedling resistance to redlegge

  • The productivity of sheep is largely governed by the amount of pasture they eat and this is influenced by the quantity of the pasture on offer and its quality.

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