New on-farm technology for sheep producers

Page last updated: Monday, 29 July 2019 - 4:08pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Using an on-farm WiFi network improves data collection and decision making

Darrin Lee manages ‘Bligh Lee Farms’ near Mingenew, Western Australia. Bligh Lee Farms has been progressively adopting new technology since 2012. This includes weather stations, rain gauges, moisture probes across all soil types, security cameras and tank monitors. Darrin has installed a WiFi network across the whole farm in 2016 consisting of a server with two 20-metre towers.

The value proposition of Bligh Lee Farms around technology is to maximise profit, minimise expense, save time and improve management. Key benefits include simplified data entry, reduced time to monitor tanks and stock water, improved crop decision making and peace of mind. Costs include the $50 000 to purchase two towers, a server, modem, sensors plus the ongoing maintenance and internet access costs.

The net present value (NPV) for Darrin was $340 000 over a ten year period. The investment into the WiFi network had a benefit cost ratio of (BCR) of 7.9, meaning that for every $1 invested, there is a $7.90 return. It will take one year to pay back the initial cost of the investment.


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John Collins
