Regional research agronomy project

Page last updated: Monday, 16 January 2023 - 9:02am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Research, development and extension 

The project was involved in a wide range of regional priority-aligned project activities in collaboration with grower groups and/or other research projects. Access to trial reports and focus areas for the project's research, development and extension are summarised below.

Trial reports

All trial and demonstration reports on these and other activities can be found at the  GRDC Online Farm Trials website.

Click on 'Search', scroll down to 'Related Programs' and scroll down further to 'Regional Research Agronomy' and tick the box.  At the top of the Search list click the green 'Go' button to view the list of trials from the project.

Pest and disease surveillance and management

Sampling wheat crop for crown rot at Merredin in October 2016
Sampling wheat for crown rot at Merredin in October 2016

With the team of agronomists dispersed across the regions, capacity to undertake pest and disease surveillance was significantly increased.  The project contribution included: 

  • over 500 reports of pests and diseases , including collection of samples for resistance testing and area freedom surveillance for exotic pests and diseases. 
  • oat disease survey of Kwinana West port zone in 2018 complementing and supporting work undertaken by  the National Hay Agronomy project's  pathology surveillance program
  • surveys conducted with growers and consultants to review existing crop protection decision support tools  to inform future investment
  • a multifaceted approach to sclerotinia management in season through petal testing, apps, remote sclerote monitoring for apothecia and spray trials.


Managing snails and other invertebrates

A range of snail management activities were conducted including:

  • Monitoring using time-lapse cameras to correlate snail activity and lifecycles to local weather conditions. This work added value to other projects being carried out by DPIRD research scientist Svetlana Micic, Stirlings to Coast Farmers and SEPWA,  resulting in improved timing and efficacy of bait application.
  • Monitoring data were also used to investigate the behaviour of other pests, in particular slaters and vegetable beetles.


Investigating soil-borne and root diseases

Woman in paddock of wheat stubble using pogo to collect a soil sample
Soil sampling for Predicta B test to assess risk of soil-borne disease

Research and surveillance activities investigating soil-borne diseases included:

  • an extensive root disease survey across the Kwinana East port zone to characterise soil borne disease risk in the eastern wheatbelt 
  • crown rot management following different variety and nutrition strategies
  • using break crops to manage root lesion nematodes.
