Great Southern

AgMemo August 2019

AgMemo is the department’s flagship newsletter - keeping subscribers across the state up to date with the department’s activities, news and advice. In this edition:

As part of the public consultation process on the draft Standards and Guidelines for the Health and Welfare of Dogs in WA, stakeholders were invited to submit individual written submissions.

Seasonal Climate Outlook August 2019

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) outlook for August to October 2019 is indicating 20-60% chance of exceeding median rainfall for the majority of the South West land Division (SWLD).

Avocado trees are highly susceptible to attack from the water mould Phytophthora cinnamomi that causes phytophthora root rot. The fungus like organism attacks the roots of the avocado tree and leaves the tree with a poorly functioning root system.

Animal welfare regulation - July 2019

The Animal welfare regulation newsletter provides information on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s role in ensuring that all livestock receive appropriate standards of care, and on the latest developments in animal welfare policies and standards.

Soil testing and plant analysis are valuable tools to diagnose constraints to crop and pasture production. Fertiliser recommendations for agriculture require supporting soil and plant chemical analyses and interpretation.

Seasonal Climate Outlook July 2019

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) outlook for July to September 2019 is indicating neutral to wetter conditions for the South West land Division (SWLD). The outlook for July to October 2019 is mixed.

Commercial production of truffles in Western Australia is a complex business, requiring specialist skills and knowledge. Much of this knowledge may need to be sourced from others.

The production of host trees inoculated with Tuber species for the production of truffles is a highly specialised activity. Setting up a truffle orchard is reasonably costly and the period between planting and first harvest can be six or more years.

The truffle industry in Western Australia, to date, has been developed around the black truffle produced by Tuber melanosporum, also known internationally as French black truffle or Perigord truffle. The first commercial plantings of T.

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