
PestFacts WA

Register to attend DPIRD’s 2020 crop disease and insect identification workshop

DPIRD are offering their annual Crop disease and insect identification course again this year.

Date: Monday 24 to Wednesday 26 August 2020.

Venue: Technology Park, 2 Brodie Hall Drive, Bentley WA

Disease identification will be taught on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 August, followed by insect identification and integrated management on Wednesday 28 August.

As usual participants can register to attend either or both components.

The cost for attending the course is; $300 for attending all 3 days or $250 for the disease component or $150 for the insect component. This cost includes a course reference book and catering for each day.

This course is designed mainly for agronomists, growers and other grains industry representatives to improve disease and insect identification skills relevant to broadacre crop production in WA.  

The course has received high acclaim from previous participants because of the practical and 'hands on' training approach, professional and experienced presenters and the valuable take home resource materials.

Given the COVID-19 circumstances of this year, DPIRD have only recently taken the decision to run the course as an in-person workshop.

Numbers are limited for the training days and enrolments close on Friday 7th August 2020.

For further details or to register contact Plant pathologists Geoff Thomas on +61 (0)428 947 287 or Dominie Wright +61 (0)477 310 663.