Pilbara Hinterland Agricultural Development Inititative

Growing the north was commissioned by DAFWA to provide an overview of the market opportunities for irrigated agricultural produce from northern WA
DAFWA commissioned Growing the north – market opportunities for irrigated agricultural produce from northern Western Australia to identify potential products which suit northern production conditions and export market demands.

Report focuses on growing northern Western Australia

Growing demand for safe, high quality food in Asia and the Middle East is creating a unique opportunity for the agricultural sector of the north.

The Department of Agriculture and Food, WA (DAFWA) commissioned Growing the north – market opportunities for irrigated agricultural produce from Northern Western Australia to identify high-potential products which suit northern production conditions and export markets with high-growth potential.

The publication will help businesses, industry and investors identify the best market opportunities for irrigated agricultural produce in northern WA.

Growing the north takes a market-led approach, rather than a production focus, to target growing export markets and identify products with strong demand.

Eighteen high-potential products have been identified as opportunities for irrigated agriculture in northern WA, ranging from walnuts and lucerne hay to cotton and sorghum.

A three-stage screening process was used to understand which products WA’s key target markets want, that could be competitively produced in northern WA.

It identifies agricultural products grown using irrigation, in countries regarded as ‘climatic peers’ of northern WA and connects these with significant demand in growth-markets and countries. 

The report aims to stimulate thinking and discussion about potential opportunities for irrigated agricultural product from northern WA. The next step is to assess the commercial viability of the high-potential products in the context of our northern environment.

Growing the north was a collaboration across three Royalties for Regions projects led by DAFWA, including PHADI (Pilbara), Gascoyne Food Bowl (Gascoyne) and La Grange (Kimberley).

Find the full report here.