Seasonal Climate Outlook

Frost events

Comparing number frost events for 1-27 July to the 2000-2022 average, you can see that there has been above average number of frosts in July. Highest number of frost events occurred in Moorine Rock with 17 nights below 2°C.

Number of days below 2C 1-27 July for the South West Land Division. Showing high number of frost events
Number of days below 2C 1-27 July for the South West Land Division
Mean number of days below 2C in July 2000-2022 for the South West Land Division.
Mean number of days below 2C in July 2000-2022 for the South West Land Division

August average frost event map for 2000-2022, shows a similar pattern to July. The Bureau of Meteorology outlook for minimum temperature for August is indicating 25-65% chance of exceeding median minimum temperatures. This means a higher chance of frosts occurring for the majority of the South West Land Division.

Average number of nights below 2C for August for the years 2000-2022 for the South West Land Division. Between 1- 10 nights on average.
Average number of nights below 2C for August for the years 2000-2022 for the South West Land Division 
Bureau of Meteorology minimum temperature outlook for August for Western Australia. Indicating 25-65% chance of exceeding median temperatures.
Bureau of Meteorology minimum temperature outlook for August for Western Australia
