
Many primary producers in Western Australia rely on chemicals to protect their agricultural enterprises from pests, weeds and diseases. Chemicals provide many benefits to primary production but must be used responsibly to minimise the adverse effects associated with their use.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development in conjunction with other state departments and federal authorities regulates the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals to minimise risks to human health, the environment, animal welfare and trade.

Details about agricultural and veterinary chemical products registered for use in Western Australia can be sourced through the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority.


  • Water quality can influence the efficacy of chemicals used in spraying crops and pastures.

  • This web page is part of the bait and poison directory for vertebrate pests in Western Australia (WA).

  • Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in cattle is a complex disease that is caused by bovine pestivirus.

  • Western Australia has a well-deserved reputation for producing healthy livestock that are free of diseases and residues that could harm human health or damage our markets.

  • Some of the world’s safest meat, milk and fibre products are produced here in Western Australia. WA farmers produce safe food by keeping their livestock free of harmful residues.

  • Some of the world’s safest grains, fruit and vegetable products are produced in Western Australia. WA farmers produce safe food by keeping their products free of harmful residues.

  • Western Australia has laws that control chemical use on livestock. These laws protect people, animals and the environment from harm, and maintain access to overseas markets.

  • Spray drift of phenoxy compounds, and the subsequent damage to susceptible crops grown close by, is a major concern in vineyard and vegetable growing districts.

  • Galium tricornutum is a declared pest in Western Australia and subject of an eradication program. Report immediately the presence of this weed.

  • There are two toxins available for controlling pest rabbits in Western Australia: 1080 and pindone.

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