Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Recognised for world class, independent research and development, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development delivers through partnership all aspects of grains, livestock, farming sy

See important announcement below. 

•    Soil amelioration and its impact on plant parasitic nematodes and Rhizoctonia 
•    Meet Crop Protection team member – Alex Douglas

The Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS) provides advisory and identification services on animal and plant pests, weeds and diseases that impact Western Australia's agriculture and food ind

DDLS - Entomology services provides expertise in invertebrate identification as well as helping to facilitate domestic and international trade and assists in protecting the biosecurity of Western A

DDLS - Plant pathology is a service area under the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's Diagnostic Laboratory Services (DDLS).

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Diagnostics and Laboratory Services (DDLS) - Animal Pathology, Western Australia (formerly DAFWA Animal Health Laboratories) provides a

Flystrike is a significant health and welfare risk to Australian sheep and costs $280 million annually.

To spray or not to spray? 
DPIRD’s 2024 crop disease and insect identification workshop is fully booked 
DPIRD Diagnostics and Laboratory Services update

The potential yield tool uses seasonal rainfall and decile finishes, calculated from historical data, to calculate the maximum wheat yield possible in the absence of any other constraints.

Plant available soil water graphs show the amount of soil water accumulated from the start of summer (1 November) through the grain growing season and can be used as a tool in the seasonal decision

The extreme weather events tool uses data from DPIRD's extensive weather station network to map air temperatures, relative humidity, dew point, Delta T and wet bulb, either below or above a specifi

Rainfall to date graphs show the amount of rainfall accumulated from the start of the grain growing season and can be used as a tool in the seasonal decision-making process.

The Animal Biosecurity and Welfare program within the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) manages evidence-based systems to maintain and verify our high animal health,

Sclerotinia disease in progress in WA
Diamondback moth caterpillars are being found early
Turnip yellows virus and green peach aphid detected in yellow sticky traps and...

PestFacts touch icon logo

Use the new PestFacts WA Reporter app to make quick reports, or request identifications, of insects and plant diseases from broadacre crop and pasture paddocks anywhere in the WA grainbelt.

Western Australian farmers produce over 10 million tonnes of waste biomass every year, much of which is not utilised commercially.  Emerging technologies provide new opportunities for farmers to ge

Leaf rust, powdery mildew, yellow spot/nodorum blotch and flag smut are appearing in wheat
Early spot form and net form net blotches are emerging in barley
Bacterial blight and Septoria...

The Crop Sowing Guide for Western Australia is a one stop shop for variety information on all the major crops grown in WA.

Bioenergy in simple terms is the conversion of biomass to energy, however the broad range of potential biomass inputs, conversion technologies and energy product outputs makes biomass to bioenergy


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am