Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Garden tools are often neglected but it is important to maintain and clean them so they work well and halt the spread of plant diseases.

Farmers in the Gillingarra area have the opportunity to access a newly discovered groundwater supply to ease shortages for livestock and irrigated pasture water.

South West farm business managers are urged to register as soon as possible to avoid missing out on participating in the popular Planning for Profit workshops.

Grain growers have been urged to take evasive action now to protect their crop from potentially devastating plant root diseases that could rob them of returns during the growing season.

A new digital tool has just been launched to assist sheep producers to record the condition score of their stock and make more informed management decisions.

One of the most invasive cactus species in Australia has been found for the first time growing in Western Australia.

Efforts to prevent the loss of valuable agricultural resources to competing land uses will be profiled at the Tipping Point Conference, to be held in Busselton in May.

Learn more about the importance of bees in Western Australia’s horticulture, agriculture and food industries and their vital job as pollinators at next month’s Honey Festival in the Swan Valley.

Nursery, cut flower and citrus industry participants are invited to comment on a review of entry conditions for nursery stock into Western Australia to guard against a citrus pest.


‘Grow your own and rediscover the flavour’ is the theme for this year’s Balingup Small Farm Field Day and the Department of Agriculture and Food display will have plenty of information on just that

The largest expenditure item for most Western Australian grain growers is not chemical, not fertiliser – it is export supply chain costs.

Sheep producers can improve returns by pregnancy scanning for multiple births and managing their flock accordingly.

Chinese businesses have gained insight into Western Australia’s grain and cereal hay supply chains and export capabilities as part of the Western Australia-China Cooperation Conference’s two-day gr

A valuable guide developed by the Department of Agriculture and Food’s Small Landholder Information Service (SLIS) will be launched at the Donnybrook Apple Festival 19 and 20 April.

Fruit growers are invited to examine different netting options and irrigation regimes designed to combat heat stress and improve water efficiency at an orchard walk to be held in Manjimup on 23 Apr

The potential impact of invasive, drought-resistance cacti on Western Australia’s agriculture, environment, and social amenity has been detailed in a new report.

A Perth conference which aims to strengthen business ties between Western Australia and its biggest agribusiness trading partner China has attracted strong international interest. 

Residents in the Kelmscott and Munster areas are urged to keep an eye out for European wasps which have established a presence in the suburbs and surrounding areas this year.

Saddle-up and gallop over to the Department of Agriculture and Food display at the Bunbury Show’s Horse and Country event on 12 April.

Home gardeners are asked to be on the lookout for a thread-like, parasitic weed after it was discovered in a backyard vegetable patch in the Wheatbelt.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am