Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Exhibiting fruit and vegetables at shows is a popular activity.

The life of the celery crop is considered in three phases — establishment, rapid growth and maturation — and each phase has specific fertiliser requirements.

Selecting the correct pump for an irrigation system will not only result in better crop production, but save money on running costs over its life.  A poor pump choice may result in damage to the sy

Hollow heart is an internal disorder where a 'lens' or 'star'-shaped cavity forms in the potato tuber.

Capsicums (Capsicum annuum) and chillies (Capsicum frutescens) are cultivated as annual vegetables while the edible parts are botanically fruit. They belong to the Solanaceae fami

Broad beans are a winter-growing leguminous vegetable grown for their large, immature seeds which are a good source of protein, carbohydrate, B group vitamins and fibre.

Two types of fresh beans are grown in Western Australia — climbing or runner beans, and dwarf or French beans.

Matching water supply in the soil to crop demand using good irrigation practice is important to produce a high quality potato crop.

Phosphorus fertiliser application to potato crops should aim to maximise profits and also minimise the overuse of phosphorus to reduce environmental impacts and health risks.

Brooms, including scotch broom and needle leaved broom (Cytisus scoparius, Genista linifolia, Genista monspessulana) that have been designated as Weeds of National Signif

The life of the lettuce crop is considered in three phases — establishment, rapid growth and maturation — and each phase has specific fertiliser requirements.

Read the following articles: DAFWA’s new Food Industry Innovation project; Why WA needs the Food Industry Innovation project; What is...

An efficient irrigator uses a systematic approach to ensure the irrigation system is delivering water evenly, that schedules meet plant demand, and fine-tunes irrigations to suit the soil and crop

Over-application of fertiliser nutrients can cause growth and quality problems in vegetable crops.

When different fruits and vegetables are stored together, one foodstuff may be tainted by odours given off by another.

The storage life of fresh fruit and vegetables varies with type, variety and pre-harvest conditions.

Manganese deficiency is most often seen on well drained neutral or calcareous soils but heavy fertiliser usage can induce it in other soils, particularly after heavy applications of lime.

Growing strawberries as a commercial crop needs attention to detail to achieve the best results. The information below summarises advice on growing strawberries as recommended in Western Australia.

Aug 2016
3 August 2016

Come and visit the DAFWA Shed at the Dowerin Field Days. DAFWA staff and projects will be present as we showcase all things Digital Farming.

Spinach is a general term for certain vegetables and may refer to plants from five different families.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am