Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Fire, flood and drought can result in large numbers of dead farm animals which need to be disposed of safely.

During dry times and drought there are a wide range of alternative feedstuffs producers may consider using to maintain stock.

The productivity of sheep is largely governed by the amount of pasture they eat and this is influenced by the quantity of the pasture on offer and its quality.

This page has a series of maps that looks at future climate projections of the South West Land Division using data from My Climate View.

Measure water quality and quantity to effectively plan and monitor water supplies for livestock.

The 2024 season has been difficult for many throughout Western Australia with variable rainfall impacting on production and profitability.

The Western Australian Farming Systems project is a 5 year co-investment by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and the Grains Research and Development Corporation

Extrata® is a new data exchange platform designed to assist WA primary producers to gain actionable insights to boost their operational performance.

A farm’s data from the tractor, header, weather stations and soil moisture probes often sit in various online clouds and can be difficult to access.

Primary producers are gaining an edge by leveraging data to inform decision-making and improve their farm's productivity.

The Lambing Planner is a simple tool that allows you to change a lambing date or a joining date to see the impacts of that on other key times in the reproductive year.

Hay, silage, pasture, and feeds that contains annual ryegrass may cause annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT).

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's (DPIRD) network of automatic weather stations and radars throughout the state provide timely, relevant and local weather data to assi

Identification of livestock is required by law under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) Regulations 2013 [BAM (IMSA) Regulations].

Identification of livestock is required by law under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) Regulations 2013 [BAM (IMSA) Regulations].

Western Australia has a mandatory livestock ownership, identification and movement system.

Identification of livestock is required by law under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) Regulations 2013 [BAM (IMSA) Regulations].

Historical rainfall decile maps for the South West Land Division (SWLD) are provided using the baseline period 1975 to 2023.

In this issue:

1. Predicting lambing dates using ewe-ram interactions

2. Preliminary evaluation of the impact of visual traits on lifetime ewe performance

3. 2023 Southern WA...

The Crop Sowing Guide for Western Australia aims to provide information to support growers with decisions on the best choice of variety for each of the major crops for the upcoming season.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am