
Septoria spot (Septoria citri) is a serious pest of citrus that can affect external fruit quality. This pest is not known to occur in Western Australia.

Strawberries are affected by a number of pathogens causing crown and/or root rots.  These diseases are becoming more prevalent for several reasons including the withdrawal of methyl bromide as a so

Powdery mildew is a disease which is becoming more prevalent in Western Australian strawberry crops as increasing areas are being grown under high (Haygrove) tunnels.

Downy mildew is caused by a fungus which has been affecting impatiens in Western Australia since 2007 after being found in Victoria the previous year.

Septoria spot of citrus (Septoria citri) is an exotic disease to Western Australia. It is a serious pest that causes fruit blemishes, affecting saleability for the fresh fruit market.

Citrus black spot (Guignardia citricarpa) is a fungal disease of citrus trees that can affect external fruit quality. This disease is not known to occur in Western Australia.

Pink disease (Erythricium salmonicolor) is a serious pest of citrus that can affect entire limbs and/or kill trees. This pest is not known to occur in Western Australia.

Pink disease (Erythricium salmonicolor) is an exotic pest to Western Australia. It is a serious disease of citrus than can result in yield losses due to limb and tree death.

Dry rot (Eremothecium coryli) is a serious pest of citrus that can affect fruit palatability and citrus rootstock seed production. This pest is not known to occur in Western Australia.

Dry rot (Eremothecium coryli) is an exotic pest to Western Australia.

This article outlines the non commercial growing of table grapes.

Previous research in high rainfall zones or above average seasons has shown that in cases where leaf spot disease levels are high very early, fungicide application at or before first node (Z31) is

For successful management of sclerotinia stem rot in most years it is critical to target fungicides at early stage of bloom (20-30%), but optimal timing can vary depending on the season, in particu

Leaf spot diseases affecting wheat in Western Australia are septoria nodorum blotch, yellow spot and septoria tritici blotch.

Myrtle rust is a serious disease that infects and kills many plants belonging to the Myrtaceae family including eucalypts, bottlebrushes, paperbarks and peppermint trees.

DDLS - Plant pathology is a service area under the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's Diagnostic Laboratory Services (DDLS).

Brown spot is a fungal disease caused by Nothophoma quercina. It affects jujubes in Western Australia and has been reported in olives, pistachios and Chinese quince in other countries.

The ORIA is free of major banana diseases found in the Northern Territory and Queensland, such as Panama disease and black sigatoka.

Seed dressing and in-furrow fungicides contain active ingredients for the control or suppression of seed-borne diseases, some fungal foliar diseases and some fungal root rots in cereal crops.

Net-form net blotch is a fungal disease that can reduce yield and grain quality of barley crops. This page describes the symptoms briefly, with greater focus on how this disease is managed.

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