
DDLS Seed Testing and Certification offers a wide range of tests to assess the quality of your seed.

This trial looked at plant density in low rainfall canola.

This trial investigated options for improving production from retained, hybrid and open pollinated canola seed; grading harder, buying new seed, increasing the seed rate, mixing retained and new se

The Tactical break crop agronomy project has many canola agronomy trials each year.

In a 2014 trial, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) concluded that it was not worth re-seeding canola.

In the trial series at Grass Patch, Ballidu, Merredin and Holt Rock, the highest grain yields, oil and gross margins were from the open pollinated variety, so growers should continue to use open po

Canola is now being grown in low rainfall areas. Primarily farmers choose open pollinated TT varieties.

In the trial series at Grass Patch, Ballidu, Merredin and Holt Rock, the highest grain yields, oil and gross margins were from the open pollinated variety, so growers should continue to use open po

Even when sowing in April into drying soil, sowing canola at 1cm produced higher establishment than sowing at 3cm or 7cm.

Yield was highest from earlier sown plants; mid-May sown plants yielded only 18% of those sown in mid-April.