
Avocado trees are very vigorous and can rapidly overgrow their permitted space in the orchard. Additionally their excessive vegetativeness at the expense of generativeness is believed to be responsible for limiting fruit set and yield.

Seasonal Climate Outlook July 2019

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) outlook for July to September 2019 is indicating neutral to wetter conditions for the South West land Division (SWLD). The outlook for July to October 2019 is mixed.

Commercial production of truffles in Western Australia is a complex business, requiring specialist skills and knowledge. Much of this knowledge may need to be sourced from others.

The production of host trees inoculated with Tuber species for the production of truffles is a highly specialised activity. Setting up a truffle orchard is reasonably costly and the period between planting and first harvest can be six or more years.

Seasonal Climate Outlook June 2019

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) outlook for winter, June to August 2019 and June to October 2019 is indicating less than 40% chance of exceeding median rainfall for the majority of the grainbelt. Most (80%) of...

Pastures from SpaceTM estimates green feed on offer (FOO) and the pasture growth rate (PGR). FOO is the above-ground green pasture biomass expressed as kg/ha and PGR is the current rate of pasture growth in kg/ha per day.

In September 2018, eight growers from Merredin and Districts Farm Improvement group (MADFIG) embarked on a four day ‘Tools and Technology’ study tour interstate. The tour was organised as an ‘extra event’ in MADFIG’s eConnected project.

The $580 000 WA Internet of Things (IoT) DecisionAg Grant Program (Program) was completed in 2021 and focused on demonstrating agricultural digital technology (ag-tech) solutions to WA growers and school students in the grains industry.

During 2013–2016 a network of 31 soil moisture probes was installed across the grain growing region in WA across several projects managed by DPIRD to enhance the decision-making capacity of grain growers.

Phytophthora cinnamomi is the scientific name of the causal organism of phytophthora root rot, sometimes only called root rot. It is the single greatest threat to the effective production of healthy and productive avocado trees.

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