
Avocado fruits are affected by two diseases: stem end rots and body rots.

Seasonal Climate Outlook May 2020

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) outlook for May to July 2020 is indicating less than 40% probability of above median rainfall for the South West Land Division (SWLD). For May to October, the SSF is indicating less than...

Traditionally ANZAC day marked the date on which growers in Western Australia would start dry seeding. However, now growers in Western Australia’s Northern Agricultural Region are routinely sowing canola in mid-April.

No treatment in this trial effectively repelled small conical snails.

No treatment caused significant mortality of conical snails over 21 days when compared to the nil treatment.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has created a sampling and post-mortem guide to assist veterinarians investigating pig disease. 

Seasonal Climate Outlook April 2020

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) system for April to May 2020 is indicating less than 40% chance of exceeding median rainfall for the South West Land Division (SWLD).

A Yield Loss to Disease Model is being developed that will assist grain growers and consultants to select the best wheat variety and management strategies to optimise yield potential and profitability.

Two documents on Australian truffle orchard pest and diseases are available to download. They are the 'Australian truffle orchards - integrated pest and disease managment manual' and the 'Australian truffle orchard - pest and disease field guide'.


Traditionally, agriculture in the Western Australian rangelands has predominantly relied on grazing stock on native vegetation, with some irrigation precincts around Carnarvon and on the Ord River near Kununurra.

Fifteen Internet of Things (IoT) Program projects were conducted across the state in 2020.

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