Cattle Industry Funding Scheme: Annual Report 2013/14

Page last updated: Wednesday, 11 August 2021 - 1:28pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

This page provides the 2013/14 annual report for the Cattle Industry Funding Scheme.

From the Chair

I am pleased to present the 2013/14 Annual Report to participants of the Cattle Industry Funding Scheme, stakeholders involved in the Western Australian beef and dairy industries and the Minister for Agriculture and Food.

We started the year with a relatively new Committee, with four new members appointed in August 2013. This restructure provided the opportunity to finalise a strategic plan for the Committee that will guide our activities and help us ensure the Scheme is delivering outcomes that are in the best interest of the Western Australian cattle industry.

Following from this will be a stronger focus of the Committee on industry-input and consultation to ensure industry funds are targeted toward the priority areas. As an example, the year provided us with an opportunity to consult the industry regarding the use of the Scheme to fund compliance, communication and management activities relating to the implementation of hormonal growth promotant (HGP) legislation in the State.

Once again, the industry-endorsed surveillance programs were successfully delivered in partnership with the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA). These programs target bovine Johne’s disease, enzootic bovine leucosis and bovine tuberculosis, and are necessary in order to maintain our state’s ‘free’ status.

The Scheme also provided funding, in conjunction with the Cattle Industry Biosecurity and Food Safety Association, for the delivery of the WA-based NLIS Helpdesk, as well as several innovative research and development projects.

The level of industry support for the Cattle Industry Funding Scheme is impressive. The Scheme is an industry-controlled scheme, and I encourage scheme contributors to have your say in how the Scheme is used to support a viable and sustainable industry into the future.

I thank the Industry Management Committee for the work they have undertaken over the year, DAFWA for their delivery of the programs, and all participants in the Scheme for their contributions to the biosecurity of our industry.

On behalf of the Committee, I look forward to a continuing partnership with producers, industry and government throughout 2014/15.

Yours sincerely

David Jarvie
Cattle IFS Management Committee

31 October 2014

Overview of the Cattle Industry Funding Scheme

In June 2010, the Cattle Biosecurity Industry Funding Scheme (IFS) was introduced to address biosecurity threats relevant to the Western Australian cattle industry. The Scheme was established under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) as a mechanism to enable cattle producers to identify the pest and disease priorities at a whole-of-industry level, and then to raise funds for programs that address these priorities.

Funds are raised through a producer contribution on each chargeable sale. A ‘chargeable sale’ means a sale by the owner of cattle (live or carcasses) that are located on a property within the Schemes’ area of operation or moved from the property for the purpose of offering them for sale/slaughter.

Producers do not have to participate in the Scheme — there is a mechanism that allows them to ‘opt out’. Opting out does not remove the legal requirement to deal with the pests and diseases to which the Scheme relates, but does disqualify the producer from any benefits provided by the Scheme such as assistance and compensation.

The Cattle IFS is overseen by a seven-member Industry Management Committee (IMC). The Minister for Agriculture and Food appoints the IMC members after inviting industry nominations and receiving advice from an Industry Appointments Committee. As required by regulation, the majority of the IMC are full participants of the Cattle IFS.

The IMC is responsible for approving the biosecurity-related programs funded through the Scheme, and providing advice to the Minister on the Scheme’s area of operation and the contribution rate.

In addition, the IMC oversee the funds previously collected via the Cattle Industry Compensation Fund, a fund established under the Cattle Industry Compensation Act 1965, which were transferred to the IFS Account in 2010.

The state government, through the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA), provide the necessary support to ensure proper governance and the effective operation of the Scheme and IMC. This includes secretariat, communications, policy and technical support, as well as financial management. Furthermore, the normal regulatory inspection and compliance activities undertaken by DAFWA closely complement the priorities of the IMC.

2013/14 Cattle IFS at a glance

  • contributions of 20 cents per head/carcass produced in Western Australia
  • contributions totalling $175 656 were received
  • contributions were used to fund surveillance programs for bovine Johne’s disease, enzootic bovine leucosis and bovine tuberculosis
  • the total cost of the surveillance programs (including compensation) was $291 403, of which $198 663 was used for BJD surveillance in the Kimberley
  • committee costs totalled $22 989
  • one producer opted-out of the Scheme, and applied for a refund of their contributions totalling $101
  • $374 877 from the previous Cattle Industry Compensation Fund was used for various projects that benefit the WA cattle industry.

Industry Management Committee members

The terms of all the members of the inaugural Industry Management Committee expired in 2013. Nominations were sought from Industry and assessed by an Appointments Committee comprised of industry representatives. The Appointments Committee made recommendations to the Minister for Agriculture and Food on the Committee membership and terms of appointment. The newly appointed Committee began operating in September 2013, with the Committee appointing the Chairperson.

Mr David Jarvie (Chairman) is the General Manager Feeds and Animal Production Ltd., Group Veterinarian and Transport Division Manager at Wellard Rural Exports. David joined the Wellard Group in 1990 after positions in veterinary practice in the Riverina and with Metro Meat Ltd. as on-board Veterinarian, Live-Export Manager and Manager at Geraldton Abattoir. From 1985-1990, David was an AQIS Veterinary officer based in Melbourne, supervising livestock exports. David has been a Director of Livecorp since 2007, and is a member of the Biosecurity Council of Western Australia.

Mrs Wendy Brockhurst is a partner in Larrawa Station (Fitzroy Crossing), with more than 20 years of beef cattle management experience.

Mr Craig Forsyth runs a 3600ha family farm in the Irwin Shire, 400km north of Perth. The main farming enterprise comprises of cattle fattening and backgrounding for several pastoral properties. He represents the Producers Round Table on the WA Beef Council and is a WA representative on SARMIC. Craig is Chairman of the Mingenew-Irwin group and has been a member since its inception in 1997.

Mr John Fry is the owner/operator of a large breeder herd and registered feedlot in Donnybrook. He has been part of various committees, including Western Beef Association, Producers Round Table, WA Beef Council and the Beef CRC advisory committee.

Mr John Giumelli runs a beef herd at Dardanup, following 40 years involvement in the dairy industry. He represents the interests of the dairy industry on the Industry Management Committee. John has always been heavily involved in the politics of the dairy industry, and ran a very successful Dairy Traineeship for TAFE over an eight year period.

Mr Tony Hiscock is the Manager of Alcoa Farmlands, responsible for the freehold landholdings and farming business that occupies Alcoa’s major rural properties. He has been involved in the cattle industry for many years, and is the current Chairman of the WA Beef Council Inc.

Mr Graham Nixon has farmed at New Norcia for many years, mainly breeding grain-fed Angus cattle, running sheep and cereal cropping. Graham has an extensive background in the WA cattle industry, representing WA producers on various State and National bodies.

Name Position Expiry of term

David Jarvie


30 June 2016

Wendy Brockhurst


30 June 2016

Craig Forsyth


30 April 2015

John Fry


30 June 2016

John Giumelli


30 June 2016

Tony Hiscock


30 June 2016

Graham Nixon


30 June 2016

IMC activities in 2013/14

Since the introduction of the IFS in 2010, the Industry Management Committee (IMC) has governed the collection, management and use of industry funds to deliver a biosecurity Scheme that benefits the Western Australian cattle industry.

During the 2013/14 year, the Cattle IMC held four ordinary meetings, one teleconference and one workshop. The focus of these meetings was to receive briefings and make decisions around the collection and remittance of producer contributions, progress of the IFS-funded programs and the general governance and effectiveness of the Scheme.

Summary of key IMC activities during 2013/14

  • implementation of the third round of cattle R&D grants
  • discussion with the Biosecurity Council of Western Australian on biosecurity roles, responsibilities and principles
  • monitoring R&D project delivery
  • four committee meetings, one teleconference, one workshop
  • strategic planning
  • monitoring agent/processor remittance of contributions
  • communication and promotion of the IFS to industry
  • determining the 2014/15 IFS contribution rate, area of operation and programs
  • industry consultation around the reinstatement of HGP-related regulations and the use of industry funds for regulatory activities.

Communications activities

  • presentations at industry forums and meetings
  • information brochures available at major field days and industry events
  • several media releases resulting in articles in the rural press
  • articles in regional AgMemos and other industry newsletters
  • continued maintenance of the IFS information on our website.

Strategic planning: As identified through the review of the IFS regulations, the IMC took part in an intensive strategic planning workshop to clearly define the purpose and role of the committee, and identify the goals for the committee to achieve. The workshop was facilitated by a qualified facilitator on 11 November 2013, and included invited industry representatives. The Strategic Plan has since been finalised and endorsed by the Committee. The plan is available from the Cattle IFS strategic plan webpage.

From this, the Committee have developed and started implementing an activity plan. This plan identifies the activities the Committee need to undertake in order to achieve their goals.

HGP legislation: In September 2013, the IMC were presented with a proposal requesting IFS funding for the enforcement, communication and management of hormonal growth promotant (HGP) related legislation in Western Australia. The Committee undertook industry consultation to confirm the WA cattle industry were in support of a) the reinstatement of regulations around the use of HGPs; and b) the use of industry funds for the activities to ensure compliance with the regulations (if they were to be reinstated). Based on the feedback received from the WA cattle industry, the IMC agreed to provide funding of up to $21 500 for HGP-related activities (to be reviewed annually). The IMC were not unanimous in this decision.

Compliance with the IFS regulations: The IMC has actively monitored the remittance of contributions by stock agents and cattle processors to ensure compliance with the regulations and maximise the funds available to address biosecurity issues of concern to the industry. Where discrepancies occurred, DAFWA followed this up with the agents/processors to successfully resolve the situation.

Communication activities: The IMC have taken part in various communication activities over the year. The main aims of the communications were to:

  • ensure Scheme participants were aware of the IFS area of operation, contribution rate, programs and activities; and
  • encourage industry feedback on the operation of the Scheme and functioning of the IMC.

Determination of 2014/15 Scheme: At its April 2014 meeting, the IMC confirmed the continuation of the surveillance program for bovine Johne’s disease (BJD), enzootic bovine leucosis and bovine tuberculosis into 2014/15, as well as the Kimberley BJD surveillance program. To fund the programs, a contribution rate of 20 cents per head/carcass was recommended to the Minister for Agriculture and Food, to apply to the sale of cattle produced within the WA.

The Minister endorsed the contribution rate and the area of operation, as published in the Western Australian Government Gazette (no. 75, 23 May 2014).

2014/15 research and development: At their meeting held in February 2014, the IMC agreed to hold the third competitive funding round for quality research and development (R&D) projects that would benefit the WA cattle industry. Projects are funded from the annual interest accrued on the previous Cattle Industry Compensation Fund (ex-CICF), for up to three years at a maximum rate of $50 000 per year.

A call for preliminary project proposals was promoted to the industry, government and research organisations for projects that aimed to:

  • increase productivity/profitability
  • develop sustainable industry practice
  • promote market success
  • enhance industry capability
  • improve cattle health; and/or
  • improve cattle industry biosecurity.

Ten preliminary proposals were received. These were assessed by the IMC in April, with full project proposals requested from two proponents.

The two full project proposals were assessed by the IMC and discussed at a teleconference in June. The IMC agreed to provide funding for one of the projects in 2014/15 (Table 1).

Table 1 New R&D project to be funded in 2014/15




IFS cost

Define the extent and epidemiology of Theileria orientalis infection in cattle in south coastal areas of WA

Bovine theileriosis is an arthropod-borne disease resulting in severe anaemia in both dairy and beef herds. The disease was diagnosed in WA for the first time in April 2013. This project will examine the extent of the disease within WA, and how the disease is transmitted under WA conditions.

1 year

$50 600

The IMC also monitored the delivery of the current R&D projects via the annual reporting process to ensure projects are on track to delivering benefits to the WA cattle industry.

Effectiveness of the Scheme

A total of $175 656 in contributions to the Cattle Industry Funding Scheme were received during 2013/14.

Only one producer opted out of the Scheme in 2013/14, compared to 12 producers who opted out in 2011/12 and 29 in 2010/11 (Figure 1). The extremely low opt-out rate may be indicative of the value of the Scheme to the WA cattle industry.

The producer that opted out of the Scheme in 2013/14 applied for a refund of their contributions. This refund amounted to $101.

There has been a steady decline in the number of producers opting out of the three Industry Funding Schemes since 2010, from 61 producers opting out in 2010/11 to just 14 producers opting out of one or more IFSs for the 2013/14 financial year.
Figure 1 Chart showing how many producers opted out of the scheme

An analysis of the 2013/14 Cattle IFS contributions indicates a satisfactory collection rate. The analysis uses sales and export data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA, Western Australian Meat Industry Authority and the National Livestock Reporting Service to estimate the number of ‘chargeable sales’ that have taken place during the year. It must be noted that there are limitation to the analysis, as data to estimate the total number of chargeable sales is not available for:

  • private sales (for example, farmer to farmer); and
  • interstate sales whereby cattle are moved out via Kununurra or the Tanami Road.

This means the number of chargeable sales will always be underestimated.

For 2013/14, the estimated number of cattle sales on which IFS contributions were payable was 789 205. Contributions were paid on 878 282 cattle during the year (that is, 111%).

Owing to the difficulties in accurately estimating the number of chargeable sales, the IMC regularly monitors the contributions being paid to the IFS to ensure the regular and correct remittance of contributions from agents and processors.

The IMC would like to stress that the owners of stock sold to persons other than agents or processors (for example, to exporters or to other producers) are required to pay the IFS contributions, as per the regulations.

2013/14 biosecurity programs

Contributions collected via the Cattle IFS were used for a surveillance program to maintain Western Australia’s ‘area of freedom’ status for bovine Johne’s disease in cattle herds and enzootic bovine leucosis in licensed dairy cattle herds, as well as providing funding for the laboratory testing required for surveillance targeting bovine tuberculosis. The programs were delivered by DAFWA at a total cost of $291 403.

Surveillance for enzootic bovine leucosis

Enzootic bovine leucosis (EBL) is an infectious viral disease of cattle, with no known treatment or vaccine available at this time. All Australian States are working toward freedom from EBL. This is primarily due to the perception that milk or dairy products may become contaminated with EBL and this, in turn, may impact on human health.

Under the EBL National Standard Definitions and Rules, to maintain ‘EBL-Free’ status, dairy herds require one negative bulk milk tank EBL test every three years. WA industry has implemented a higher standard of testing. In 2013/14, testing for EBL was carried out for 165 dairy herds, with no EBL detected.

Intensive bulk milk tests were also undertaken on 22 larger (>200 cows) herds. All tests were negative.

Western Australia’s dairy herds continue to maintain a self-declared ‘EBL Provisionally Free’ status. The main risk to EBL Freedom is the introduction of infection from beef herds. Cattle being moved from untested herds require an EBL test before being introduced to a new herd.

Surveillance for bovine Johne’s disease

Bovine Johne’s disease (BJD) is a chronic wasting disease of cattle caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. The disease has a long incubation period and is spread by infected animals. BJD reduces production levels even before symptoms are apparent. There is no treatment for BJD.

Western Australia continues to be recognised as a BJD Free Zone. Having a ‘BJD Free’ status enables WA producers to trade within the State and into other Australian States without restrictions. The Cattle IFS-funded BJD surveillance program is essential in providing evidence of Western Australia’s freedom from BJD.

In 2013/14, diagnostic investigations were carried out on 5 animals showing signs of potential BJD infection. For two of these cases, BJD has been excluded in the diagnoses. A definitive faecal culture result is still pending for three animals.

A further 7440 blood tests were carried out on export cattle, with 54 positive or suspect positive results. These cattle were retested, with 27 animals retesting as negative. Laboratory results are still pending for the remaining animals.

Suspect bovine tuberculosis

As a result of testing for bovine tuberculosis on export cattle, one animal reacted to the tuberculin skin test. The animal was slaughtered and the tissues were cultured to determine if it was infected by bovine tuberculosis. The results were negative.

Table 2 Expenses for the 2013/14 disease surveillance program (EBL, BJD and bovine tuberculosis)



Salaries, on-costs, overheads

$58 114


$16 913

Diagnostic service fee

$11 217





Other expenses



$92 740

Kimberley BJD surveillance program

In late 2012, it was determined that six herds in the Kimberley had received traced bulls from a BJD-infected herd in Queensland. A surveillance program was started in early 2013, which aligned with the national BJD Standard Definitions, Rules and Guidelines, in order to resolve suspicion of BJD in WA.

To date, a total of 308 bulls originating from the infected Queensland stud have been found and tested to determine if any were infected with the disease. One six-year old bull tested positive for BJD and was shedding the bacteria; 292 were negative for faecal shedding on definitive testing; and results are pending for 15 animals. One two-year old bull had evidence of infection, but was not shedding the bacteria. This bull would have posed an infection risk in the future if not culled as part of this program.

Table 3 Ages of bulls traced and tested, and laboratory test results to 21 July 2014

Property 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Total tested

Total bulls traced 2005 onwards

Total bulls accounted for on NLIS


Total bulls found and tested additional to NLIS tracing

Total actual bulls remaining


A - 78 87 58 23 0 0 0 0 7 11 2 5 271 266 1 18 12
B - - - - - 27 - - - - - - - 27 50 6 0 17
C - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - 5 13 2 0 6
D - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - 3 72 3 0 66
E - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 0 0 0


- - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 46 3 0 42

Total tested to date

0 79 87 58 23 27 8 1 0 7 11 2 5 308 448 15 - 143


- 78 84 55 22 25 7 1 0 5 9 2 4 292 - - - -


- 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 - - - -
Total still in testing 0 1 3 3 1 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 15 - - - -


Herd testing, to resolve the disease status of each property, has been completed. A total of 2494 faecal samples were collected and tested. All samples were negative for BJD. Further herd testing will be required on the property with the infected six-year old bull later this year, and all five properties in 2015.

Compensation totalling $5760 was paid during the year to the landholders where animals were slaughtered as part of the surveillance program.

Five properties remained under regulatory restriction at 30 June 2014.

The total cost of the Kimberley BJD surveillance program for 2013/14 was $198 663 (Table 4).

Table 4 Expenses for the 2013/14 Kimberley BJD surveillance program.



Laboratory costs

$153 757

Salaries, on-costs, overheads

$24 888










$198 663

2013/14 programs funded via ex-CICF

With the repeal of the Cattle Industry Compensation Act and commencement of the Industry Funding Scheme regulations under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act, funds from the Cattle Industry Compensation Fund (CICF), a fund established under CICA, were transferred to the Cattle IFS Account. These ‘ex-CICF’ funds are now managed by the Cattle IMC via the Cattle Industry Funding Scheme and can be used for projects that will benefit the Western Australian cattle industry.

National Livestock Identification System WA-based helpdesk

In May 2013, the IMC agreed to provide funding to operate the Western Australian National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) cattle helpdesk for two years. The decision was based on feedback from the WA cattle industry, and included an offer of co-funding from the Cattle Industry Biosecurity and Food Safety Association. As such, 70% of the costs of this project were used from the ex-CICF funds, and 30% was provided by the Cattle Industry Biosecurity and Food Safety Association. Ex-CICF funds were used, as IFS funds can only be used for projects relating to a pest or disease that has been declared under section 22 of the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act and specified under the IFS regulations.

The total cost of this service was $113 545 in 2013/14, of which $79 545 was provided by the Industry Funding Scheme.

The NLIS is an industry program that has been implemented across Australia. All industry sectors are required to comply with the NLIS regulations in order to provide lifetime traceability of cattle in the event of a disease outbreak or residue contamination. The NLIS enables any disease or residue incident to be quickly resolved, reduces the financial impact on the industry and minimises the disruption to markets.

The helpdesk provides a WA-based service to help Western Australian cattle producers meet their NLIS responsibilities.

During 2013/14, the WA NLIS Helpdesk responded to 5133 telephone and email enquiries (Table 5).

Table 5 Helpdesk enquiries from July 2013 to June 2014

Region Telephone Email Total
Pastoral area 311 521 832
Agricultural area 2006 2295 4301
Total 2317 2816 5133

The main topics for producer assistance have varied over time. More producers are requesting assistance with issues that stem from conducting database transfers rather than basic issues relating to NLIS itself. Most of the basic queries that are still received arise from producers who are new to the industry.

The number of system transfers as a proportion of total transfers has dropped over the period of the year from 2.8% to 2.7%, indicating that more producers are performing the required transfers correctly. The assistance provided by the Helpdesk is undoubtedly an important factor in this decrease.

2013/14 research and development projects

Release and evaluation of the parkinsonia looper in Western Australia

  • delivered by CSIRO
  • three year project, due to be completed by 31 December 2015
  • total cost to Cattle IFS $150 000.

This project will result in the release of two new biocontrol agents of parkinsonia in Western Australia. The agents are expected to reduce density, vigour, reproductive output and spread of populations of parkinsonia, leading to higher carrying capacity and profitability. The first agent has already been released at several sites, and the second agent recently received approval from regulators (Commonwealth Department of Agriculture and Quarantine WA) for release into Australia.

The project is on track to reach its second year milestones. The releases of the insects at seven sites in the Pilbara and Kimberley are being done in a systematic manner to understand the optimal release strategies for these and future biocontrol agents, and evaluations of their establishment are underway.

Increasing the efficiency of phosphorus utilisation in kikuyu-based pasture systems (improving the cost of production)

  • delivered by DAFWA
  • three year project, due to be completed by 30 June 2015
  • total cost to Cattle IFS $107 710.

The aim of this trial is to get a better indication of the phosphorous (P) requirements of kikuyu-based pasture systems in WA conditions. Given our knowledge of clover-based pastures, this project will help to improve fertiliser management and potentially reduce the fertiliser applications on kikuyu-based pastures. 
There are two aspects to the research — pot trials, which apply differing levels of phosphorus to kikuyu and rye grass; and field research. The field research is targeting a high and low phosphorous-fixing site — that is, deep leached sands for the low phosphorous-fixing site and a loamy soil for the high phosphorous-fixing site, with a good cover of kikuyu. These sites have been established in the high rainfall area of the south coast. One site is in Hazelvale near Walpole (high P fixing) and the other is near Torbay (low P fixing).

Exploring market options for ‘out of spec’ cattle in the pastoral areas of Western Australia

  • delivered by Global Livestock Solutions Pty Ltd
  • one year project, completed
  • total cost to Cattle IFS $37 000.

This project undertook a review of market options, specific to the pastoral areas of Western Australia, to allow these regions to better promote the industry on a regional basis. The review concluded that “With ESCAS, supplemented by on-ground training programs, now in place and the actual flow of live cattle out of northern Australia gathering pace, the industry can look forward to a brighter future. ESCAS has addressed public concern and reduced the future risk of major ‘interventions’ by: a) designating a responsible entity; b) identifying low-risk supply channels; c) tracing Australian livestock throughout these supply channels; and d) periodically auditing and refining performance within each supply channel. The development, implementation and operation of this system has added costs to the business of exporting cattle but these costs are deemed to be outweighed by performance assurances for the entire length of the supply chain and implicitly, greater professionalism throughout the exporting industry. It seems the live export industry is destined to strive for a steady state characterised by a combination of effective regulation (designed to satisfy the imperative of animal welfare standards) and free market forces (needed to satisfy the imperatives of economic efficiency).” The full report can be accessed from the IFS website.

Development of a TaqMan realtime PCR for the identification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease)

  • delivered by DAFWA
  • two year project, due to be completed by 30 June 2015
  • total cost to Cattle IFS $60 000.

Bovine Johne's disease (BJD) is a chronic wasting condition in cattle caused by the organism Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). The long incubation period of MAP makes it difficult to detect, limiting preventative action to minimise its distribution. Current culture methods for the fastidious organism are lengthy — taking up to 12 weeks to obtain a negative result.

This project has successfully developed a probe-based multiplex quantitative PCR (qPCR) for the detection of MAP. Early trials suggest the probe is specific for MAP and has a comparable, if not superior, analytical sensitivity to that of similar methods currently employed within Australia. Work is currently underway to determine its efficacy on diagnostic faecal samples, with the view it could complement the SCAHLS approved HT-J DNA extraction procedure.

The new assay is capable of detecting two separate MAP genes within a single tube to ensure increased specificity. The implementation of a highly sensitive and specific diagnostic test for BJD would improve routine diagnostics and further support the claim that WA remains free of BJD.

Market intelligence and consumer insight program customised for the WA beef industry

  • delivered by WA Beef Council Inc
  • one year project, due to be completed by 30 November 2014
  • total cost to Cattle IFS $45 000.

The aim of this project is to improve the WA beef industry’s capacity to use timely, relevant and readily accessible market intelligence, thereby encouraging a market-driven approach and improved information-flow across the supply chain. The project will undertake consultation with key stakeholders in the WA beef industry to identify current market intelligence — what is relevant, of value, the gaps and future requirements to support critical marketing decisions.

The information gathered through this project will inform the next phase of work, which will be to develop a strategy to improve current services to the WA Beef Industry. 

​50% of the costs of the Kimberley BJD Surveillance Program are funded using the ex-CICF monies.

2013/14 financial details

The IFS finances are administered by the Director General of DAFWA through an agency special purpose account called the Cattle Industry Declared Pest Control and Compensation Account (the IFS Account), which was established by regulation under the Financial Management Act 2006. The department manages these funds on behalf of the IMC and prepares financial reports including the end of financial year statements.

The balance of the IFS Account was $5 691 540 at the end of the 2013/14 financial year. This included $5 341 422 of ex-CICF funds and $350 118 of IFS funds.

Issues with DAFWAs financial management system throughout 2013/14 meant reimbursements to DAFWA for the work carried out on the IFS-funded programs could not occur at the end of each quarter. As such, reimbursement for some of the 2013/14 program expenses will be paid from the IFS Account during the 2014/15 financial year.

The total cost of the 2013/14 surveillance program for bovine Johne’s disease, enzootic bovine leucosis and bovine tuberculosis was $92 740, and $198 663 was spent on BJD surveillance in the Kimberley.

$113 545 was used to fund the NLIS Helpdesk during the year, and $162 000 was used to fund five research and development projects.

Industry contributions to the IFS totalling $175 656 were received by DAFWA in 2013/14; however, $101 of this was reimbursed to one producer that had opted out of the Scheme.

Interest applied to the funds during 2013/14 amounted to $9244 (IFS) and $147 850 (ex-CICF), and $34 000 was transferred to the Account from the Cattle Industry Biosecurity and Food Safety Association to co-fund the WA-based NLIS Helpdesk.

The activities of the IMC, such as travel and committee meeting costs, resulted in expenditure of $22 989.

Table 6 Cattle IFS finances for the 2013/14 financial year









EBL/BJD/BTB surveillance

$92 740


$92 740

Kimberley BJD surveillance

$99 331

$99 332

$198 663

NLIS Helpdesk


$113 545

$113 545

Parkinsonia R&D


$50 000

$50 000

Kikuyu R&D

- - -

Exploring market options R&D


$37 000

$37 000

TaqMan R&D


$30 000

$30 000

Market intelligence R&D


$45 000

$45 000

Other expenses

- - -

Board member fees




Travel expenses




Meeting expenses








Other (printing, advertising etc.)




Opt out refunds




Total expenses

$215 161

$374 877

$590 038

Income - - -


$175 656


$175 656

Cattle Industry Biosecurity and Food Safety Association


$34 000

$34 000

Interest revenue


$147 850

$157 094

Total income

$184 900

$181 850

$366 750

Net cost of service

-$30 261

-$193 027

-$223 288

Balance sheet - - -

Funds held at 30 June 2014

$50 118

$5 341 422

$5 691 540

Future directions for 2014/15

The IMC have committed to increase consultation with the WA cattle industry to ensure that the Scheme is meeting the needs of the industry during 2014/15. This includes identifying priority areas in which to target the allocation of funding for research and development projects.

In partnership with DAFWA, the Cattle IMC will continue to manage and monitor the programs it has in place for surveillance of bovine Johne’s disease, enzootic bovine leucosis and bovine tuberculosis in Western Australia.

The IMC will be liaising with Dairy Australia, as the national EBL post-freedom coordinating industry body, on the use of Dairy Australia funds for EBL surveillance in Western Australia. WA dairy producers are currently paying Dairy Australia levies that contribute toward the national EBL surveillance program; however, these funds are not being used within Western Australia. The IMC is concerned that WA is not receiving funding as part of the national surveillance testing required to maintain an EBL-free status.

The IMC will continue to oversee the use of the annual interest accrued on the ex-CICF funds for the research and development projects currently being funded.

The results of these projects will be shared with industry through the Cattle IFS annual reporting process and website, and through each project’s extension activities. 

The Committee have agreed that, from 2015, funding applications can be received throughout the year for assessment during February and August.

Information on the current and previous R&D projects are available from the Cattle IFS website, to enable the industry to access information and results from these industry-funded projects.

As per the IFS regulations, the Minister will be undertaking a review of the Cattle Industry Funding Scheme during 2014/15 to determine whether the Scheme should continue beyond 30 June 2015. The Minister will be consulting the industry to identify whether the continuation of the Scheme is likely to be of benefit to the WA cattle industry, and this should form the basis for a decision.

The Cattle Industry Funding Scheme is an industry-controlled scheme. As such, the IMC always welcomes industry feedback on the Scheme, its programs and cattle issues in general. Industry can contact the IMC at any time through the Executive Officer. The IMC is keen to hear of the industry’s views on the risks and opportunities within the biosecurity arena, and members are available to participate in industry forums, meetings and field days to discuss the Schemes and answer any questions from industry.