Intrastate movement restrictions - potential carriers

Page last updated: Monday, 14 February 2022 - 3:15pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Some pests and diseases are present in, and currently confined to, specific parts of Western Australia and are not found throughout the rest of the State. To prevent spread, the movement of some goods (mostly fresh produce and other plant material) that may carry those pests and diseases (declared pests) is restricted to and from certain areas.

When movement is restricted, items may need to be treated or inspected and certified to be allowed to move. In some cases, movement may only be allowed subject to an authorisation.

The restrictions that apply to the movement of some potential carriers are available as the WA Intrastate Movement Restrictions r8A under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management  Regulations 2013.

Factors such as a change in area freedom status or the successful eradication of a pest or disease mean that intrastate requirements may change at short notice.

What if there are no requirements listed?

If the Intrastate Movement Restrictions do not show a requirement, the movement of the potential carrier is unrestricted provided it is not actually infected or infected with a declared pest, and it is not an organism that is a declared pest in the area
of destination.

How do I apply for an authorisation to move a restricted potential carrier?

You may be able to move the item without an authorisation, provided certain conditions are met. However, if you cannot meet these conditions or the Restrictions state that an authorisation is necessary, complete an application for an authorisation to move a restricted potential carrier and send or email it to us. Note: please allow time for us to process your application, as the decision is likely to require risk assessment.

Recommended biosecurity practices for travellers.

As a traveller, you may be moving potential carriers that are not specifically restricted, but could result in the movement of a declared pest if they turn out to be infected or infested. Please check your fruit and vegetables for signs of insects or disease, keep your vehicle free of soil and check pets for seeds in their coat. If travelling with pets, you should also be aware of the use of 1080 for pest control in many regions of WA.

Intrastate movement of organisms

The majority of organisms may be moved around the state without restriction, provided they are not a potential carrier subject to movement requirements. If an organism is a declared pest, however, a permit may be required to introduce it into an area, and a permit may also be required for its keeping. Check the WA Organism List for the declared pest status of an organism.