
A changing climate and increased competition for scarce water resources means the Western Australian agriculture sector must adapt to reduced water availability. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is supporting the sector through innovative research and management strategies to identify new water resources, and sustain the quality and efficient use of available water resources.

The department provides technical information on a range of water related issues, and works to complement the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation's administration of the Western Australian Farm Water Planning Scheme. This scheme supports dryland farming communities to improve and better manage non-potable water supplies, through incentive schemes, grants, and planning and technical services.


  • Irrigation design and management affects performance, yield and quality of crops.  Irrigation design determines the efficiency and effectiveness of water use, and therefore influences the profitabi

  • Water movement patterns on the soil surface may not be a good guide to what is happening below the surface and can lead to inefficient irrigation.