
A changing climate and increased competition for scarce water resources means the Western Australian agriculture sector must adapt to reduced water availability. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is supporting the sector through innovative research and management strategies to identify new water resources, and sustain the quality and efficient use of available water resources.

The department provides technical information on a range of water related issues, and works to complement the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation's administration of the Western Australian Farm Water Planning Scheme. This scheme supports dryland farming communities to improve and better manage non-potable water supplies, through incentive schemes, grants, and planning and technical services.


  • Water quality can influence the efficacy of chemicals used in spraying crops and pastures.

  • Land capability assessment is used to identify the potential for agricultural and non-agricultural land uses. It considers specific requirements of the land use and also identifies potenti

  • Water for Food is a state government initiative funded through the Royalties for Regions program.

  • Don’t send water and fertiliser dollars down the drain. When it comes to irrigation systems, one size does not fit all.

  • IrrigateWA is an irrigation app that will assist with the implementation of correct irrigation scheduling for a variety of crops, regions and soil types in Western Australia.

  • The Stormwater Management, Harvesting and Reuse Efficiency Project (Stormwater reuse project) was focused on stormwater harvesting and reuse for social, economic and environmental benefits in Weste

  • Optimum irrigation with good quality water is needed to maximise yields of potatoes. Poor irrigation can lower yield, distort tubers and encourage development of some diseases.

  • Water movement patterns on the soil surface may not be a good guide to what is happening below the surface and can lead to inefficient irrigation.

  • Selecting the correct pump for an irrigation system will not only result in better crop production, but save money on running costs over its life.  A poor pump choice may result in damage to the sy

  • Matching water supply in the soil to crop demand using good irrigation practice is important to produce a high quality potato crop.

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