Mid West

This resource is a guide for veterinarians when investigating disease in poultry.

It covers base samples to be collected during any poultry disease investigation and specific additional samples to be collected according to the disease syndrome or suspected disease.

There are multiple possible causes of both infertility and abortion in ewes, but making a definitive diagnosis is often difficult. Some diseases which are exotic to Australia can cause abortions.

The Western Australian Stock Brand and PIC Register is maintained by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). The Register contains the details of all registered identifiers (i.e.

Lifetimewool was a national research, development and extension project that delivered profitable and practical guidelines for managing Merino ewes in the Australian wool industry.

Two mealybug species, the longtailed mealybug (Pseudococcus longispinus), and obscure mealybug (Pseudococcus viburni) occur in grapevines and deciduous fruit tree crops in Western Australia.

The persistent nature of organochlorine (OC) residues in soils is an ongoing issue for livestock producers. Sheep are susceptible to the accumulation of OC residues. The presence of such residues in excess of the maximum residue limit (MRL) jeopardises overseas market access.

The horticulture handbook has been developed by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) to acquaint landholders and potential investors with the regulations, requirements and considerations necessary to develop a block of land for horticulture in WA. 

Carpophilus, also known as driedfruit beetles, are a worldwide pest of fruits, both pre- and post-harvest, and grains.

This Boosting Biosecurity Defences project has partnered with grains industry stakeholders and the wider community to improve Western Australian grains industry pest and disease surveillance, diagnosis and capacity by completing the following objectives:

This page gives some ideas on how to reduce the risk of fires in bush and revegetation on farms, and how to speed recovery of burnt areas.

Large patches of bush in good condition will generally regenerate well after fire, with some management of weeds and grazing.

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